foto: YouTube/TUKANG AB - Taking care of a motorcycle is not just about keeping its engine performance in top condition. The exterior of the motorcycle also requires special attention to keep it attractive and pleasing to the eye.
Because, a clean and shiny motorcycle will give a more comfortable impression when used. Not only that, a clean motorcycle shows that the owner cares about the cleanliness and maintenance of his personal vehicle.
Unfortunately, not everyone has time to do routine maintenance for the body of the motorbike. As a result, the motorbike looks dull, full of dust, even has stains or scratches that are difficult to remove.
Conditions like this can certainly reduce self-confidence, especially if the motorcycle is used for daily activities. The appearance of a dirty motorcycle can also give the impression that the owner does not take good care of the vehicle, even though the engine is actually still in good condition.
Actually, there is an easy way to solve this problem without having to go to a motorcycle salon or use a detailing service that is quite expensive. Some people are starting to look for practical and cheap ways that can still make the motorcycle body shiny again like new.
One method that was shared by the YouTube channel TUKANG AB is to use simple ingredients that are easy to find at home. A trick that is quite effective in cleaning scratches on the motorbike body is to use a mixture of toothpaste and eucalyptus oil.
Tricks to clean a motorbike body to make it shiny
Toothpaste functions as a cleaner with a soft abrasive content, able to remove fine dirt to stubborn stains on the paint surface. Meanwhile, eucalyptus oil is known as a natural solvent that can help loosen dirt that sticks and remove the remains of stickers or other graffiti on the motorbike body.
Tricks to clean scratches on a motorbike body using 2 simple ingredients.
Tricks to clean a motorbike body to make it shiny
How to mix it is also not difficult. Prepare toothpaste and eucalyptus oil with a ratio of 2: 1. Then, mix both in a small container, then stir until completely mixed. Make sure the consistency is thick so that it is easy to apply to the surface of the motorbike.
Once the mixture is ready, apply it evenly to the area of the motorcycle body that has stains or scratches. Use a soft cloth or cotton bud to apply it, especially to small or narrow parts. Apply thinly but evenly, do not let any part be too thick because it can make the wiping process difficult later.
Let the mixture sit for a few minutes so that dirt or stains can be lifted more easily. After that, rub it gently with a clean cloth. Make sure the cloth used is completely clean and dry for maximum results.
Tricks to clean a motorbike body to make it shiny
If necessary, repeat the process of applying and wiping on the parts that are still dirty. It doesn't take long, the result is that the motorbike body will look cleaner, free of streaks, and shiny like it was just washed at a professional detailing place.
The advantage of this method is not only the satisfactory results, but also because the tools and materials are easy to obtain. Toothpaste and eucalyptus oil are almost always available at home, so there is no need to spend additional costs.
However, it is better not to use this method too often. Excessive use of abrasive toothpaste can accelerate the wear of the paint layer if not careful. Do this method only when necessary, such as when there are streaks or stains that are difficult to clean with regular soapy water.