Image: AP Image/Adek Berry
The Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Susi Pudjiastuti rocks the internet once again with her unique message: "Whoever doesn't want to eat fish, I'll 'drown' him!"
Of course it's a joke in case some of you are wondering as the minister is trying to encourage Indonesians to eat more fish.
After publishing avideo of herself delivering the message, Susi's account received hundreds of tweets from her followers responding to the call. The minister replied some them and the conversation about eating fish became these past two days' top topics on social media.
Here are the most hilarious tweets we have compiled for you:
@bonsaiboncel Terlalu sensi
Susi Pudjiastuti (@susipudjiastuti) May 16, 2017
- "@susipudjiastuti I shared a plate of fish with her and she kept on addressing me as a friend, eating fish doesn't make me get a love partner, Mam." - @bonsaiboncel
- "@bonsaiboncel too sentimental." - @susipudjiastuti
@ejathino Ikan ikanan yg ada baterynya
Susi Pudjiastuti (@susipudjiastuti) May 15, 2017
- "Mam, which fish that likes to sing?" - @ejathino
- "Toy fish with battery." - @susipudjiastuti
@FadilahRahmanda Aduuh bodohnya masa nanya lagi. Makanya makan ikan biar pintar
Susi Pudjiastuti (@susipudjiastuti) May 15, 2017
- "@susipudjiastuti for dinner, which one is better? noodle or fish?" - @FadilahRahmanda
- "How fool, you ask again. That's why you need to eat fish to be smart." - @susipudjiastuti
@Safitra_A @kkpgoid Kalau sudah tidak sayang lagi tidak apa2, dg senang hati sy akan lakukan. Tapi coba lagi bujuk. Kasih tahu bu menteri serius lho !!!!
Susi Pudjiastuti (@susipudjiastuti) May 15, 2017
- "Mam Susi, my husband doesn't like to eatfish. He is one of the candidates to get drowned, am I right?" - @Safitra_A
- "If you don't love him anymore then it's okay. I would do it with a pleasure. But try to persuade him [to eat fish] again. Tell him Madam Minister is being serious!!!" - @susipudjiastuti
@TeddyGusnaidi @andyprayoga405 @Yusrilihza_Mhd @orsina_77 Ini orang omong apaan ??? Masa saya disamain sama rambo. Pasti ini kurang makan ikan atau tidak pernah makan ikan
Susi Pudjiastuti (@susipudjiastuti) May 16, 2017
- "10. Remember! Bu Susi is a minister not a rambo movie actress. Thanks. @andyprayoga405 @Yusrilihza_Mhd @orsina_77 @susipudjiastuti." - @TeddyGusnaidi
- "What is this person talking about??? He likens towith Rambo. He must be not eating enoughfish or maybe not at all." - @susipudjiastuti
@susipudjiastuti @baguscondromowo Emang ikan ipk nya berapa bu susi?
partner in crime (@syeftyawan_) May 15, 2017
- "That's why you need to eat fish to be smarter than fish." - @susipudjiastuti
- "What is the fish's GPA, Mam?" - @syeftyawan