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Proof that Indonesians are not racists nor discriminatory.

  13 Mei 2017 17:34

After Basuki Tjahaja Purnama wassentenced to two years for blasphemy, a lot of Indonesians gather to show that 'Unity in Diversity' still applies in the country.

Through #rayakanperbedaan, people are trying to show that there are still a lot of Indonesians who respect diversity they have and together they invite the others to do the same too.

How do they show it? Check this out!

"I am Dinda Kanyadewi. Indonesian. Mother from Bandung, father from Sukabumi. I was born in Jakarta. I grew up in Lampung, Palembang, Balikpapan and Jakarta. I was born in a Muslim family and I am a Muslim. I respect all differences. Because I, you, we arebhinneka(diverse). #KamiIndonesia #Bhinnekatunggalika #RayakanPerbedaan Inviting you guys to upload picture along with similar caption and hashtags. Show that bhinneka is not just a slogan, but it's inside us. Let's celebrate diversity." -@dindakanyaa

Nama lengkap saya, Maria Stela Clarisa Nau. Kedua orang tua saya asli dari kampung Bajawa,Flores, Ngada. Kami sejak nenek moyang selalu memegang teguh keimanan Katolik. Dibesarkan di Surabaya, sejak lahir saya besar sebagai minoritas di lingkungan Muslim di Surabaya. Hingga kuliah di Bandung dan memasuki dunia kerja di Jakarta,teman-teman saya bervariasi, tapi kebanyakan Muslim. Saya tidak pernah merasa berbeda karena teman-teman saya adalah Muslim yg mencintai manusia. Meski saya hanya gadis dari daerah, tapi keluarga saya selalu mengajarkan, hormati Indonesia yang penuh dengan warna. Plus, kekasih hati saya pun adalah seorang Muslim yang taat puasa dan sholat. Saya bangga menjadi Indonesia yang berbhinneka Yuk rame-rame kita ikut berpartisipasi dalam tagar #rayakanperbedaan

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"My fullname is Maria Stela Clarisa Nau. Both of my parents are from Bajawa, Flores, Ngada. Since a long time, we always uphold the catholic faith. I grew up in Surabaya and since I was born I grew up as a minority in a Muslim environment in Surabaya. Until I went to university in Bandung and work in Jakarta, my friends are vary but mostly they are Muslims. I never feel different since my friends are Muslims who love others. Even though I am just a woman from an area, but my family always teach me to respect the colorful Indonesia. Plus, my beloved one is a Muslim who observes fasting and prayers. I am proud to be a part of Indonesia which is diverse. Let's participate in hashtag #rayakanperbedaan." - @stelanau

Bayu Agni. Pengamen. Asal: Wonosobo (Jateng). Besar di keluarga yg sebagian besar Muslim, nyokap mualaf tahun 2001. Sekolah di TK & SD Katolik, SMP-SMA-kuliah: negeri. Muslim yg gak sempurna, mendekati agnostik. Sebelas tahun hidup di Jogja, 3 tahun di Mojokerto (Jatim), 5 tahun di Jakarta, sekarang hampir setahun di Depok (Jabar). Di bawah kolong langit yg batasnya gak kejangkau nalar, di atas bumi manusia yg rahasianya gak semua kita tau, oleh kehendak Tuhan yg Maha Kreatif, perbedaan dan keberagaman itu keniscayaan. Rayakanlah! Challenge accepted! cc @indonesiafeminis #rayakanperbedaan #rayakankeberagaman #bhinnekatunggalika

A post shared by Bayu Agni (@bayu.agni) on

"Bayu Agni. Street musician. From: Wonosobo (Central Java). Grew up in a family which most of the members are Muslims [and] mother converted into Islam in 2001. Went to Catholic Kindergarten and Elementary School, then public Junior High School-High School-University. An imperfect Muslim, near to agnostic. Eleven years living in Yogyakarta, three years in Mojokerto (East Java), five years in Jakarta, now it's almost a year in Depok (West Java). Under the sky which limit is not measured just by logic, on the earth with secrets not all of us know, by the will of God The Most-Creative, differences and diversity are inevitable. Celebrate it! Challenge accepted cc: @indonesiafeminis #rayakanperbedaan #rayakankeberagaman #bhinnekatunggalika" - @bayu.agni

"I am Shera. Javanese-Chinese-Manadonese-Sundanese-Padang. I grew up in a big family with diverse tribal, ethnic, religious background. Since I was kid I went to public school, and the students also come from diverse background. We never discriminate. Indonesia is not only built by one tribe and religion. Let's celebrate our diversity and respect each other! Because we are all Indonesia. #rayakanperbedaan #bhinnekatunggalika #kamiindonesia Inviting you to share your diversity story with hashtags above. Because bhinneka is not just a slogan, it is inside us." - @shefemelle

"I am Bara. Padang-Surabaya-Dutch. Was raised by a Muslim mother. Christian grandmother and Muslim grandfather. Celebrating Eid al-Fitr as well as Christmas. I don't only tolerate diversity, I also celebrate it. You? #rayakanperbedaan #bhinnekatunggalika #kamiindonesia Invite you to share your diversity story using the hashtags above. Because bhinneka is not only a slogan, it is inside all of us." - @allaka_rab

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