The method is a bit mainstream but you can try it.

  12 Juni 2024 11:45 - After carrying out various activities throughout the day, the body will certainly feel tired. So, bathing is one solution to get your body fit again. Moreover, with warm water, the body can become more relaxed.

Usually, warm water can be produced from a water heater or water heater that you can install in your bathroom at home. However, this tool does not have a cheap price. The alternative is to boil water on the stove and then pour it into the bathroom tub, which is quite troublesome.

But don't worry, for those of you who can't afford a water heater but are lazy about boiling water, you can do this odd lifehack. Reported by from the Instagram account @unconditionaldesign, Wednesday (12/6), the following method is quite practical so that you can bathe in warm water without the hassle and expense.

The video shows an appearance of a bathroom in a house. The video recorder explained that there were quite strange facilities in the bathroom of the house.

"Hey yo, check the strange house. I don't know if this is strange or not. So my house doesn't have a water heater yet, so I installed it, jiaah," said the video recorder while showing a funny appearance in the bathroom.

Weird lifehack on how to make a low budget water heater on Instagram

photo: Instagram/@unconditionaldesign

It turned out that the bathroom had a water heater facility with a device that was familiar but I had never thought about using it as a water heater for bathing. The water heater is nothing but a dispenser with two red and blue faucets.

You can see that a tap has been installed above the water dispenser hole which is ready to fill the water intake in the dispenser. The condition of the dispenser which is connected to electrical power means that the water heater can function and can be poured directly into the tub below.

Weird lifehack on how to make a low budget water heater on Instagram

photo: Instagram/@unconditionaldesign

"Well, just turn it on. The water is hot," continued the video recorder.

Weird lifehack on how to make a low budget water heater on Instagram

photo: Instagram/@unconditionaldesign

This method is actually effective in turning a drinking water dispenser into a water heater for bathing. Seeing this strange lifehack video, netizens also agreed that the price of the dispenser, which is certainly cheaper than a water heater, could be an option for the middle class struggling to make their own water heater at home.

"That's great bro, I thought about making it myself at home," wrote the account @skyd3c.

"Bathing days using a water dispenser. That's a really great idea," said the account @noya_cahya.

"Very inspiring for struggling middle class people like me haha," wrote the account @irfanrahmat7.

"You can also make coffee too, right? Hahaha," @om3gacentauri
