foto: TikTok/@backwith_meh

Apart from reunions, you can also help friends' businesses.

  30 Maret 2024 23:59 - The fasting month is often an occasion for gathering with family and friends. Yes, in the month of Ramadan, people usually hold iftar together and reunite with their friends. Starting from breaking fast together with college friends, high school friends, middle school or even elementary school. This moment is also an opportunity to gather together with old friends.

Even though it sounds exciting, not everyone can attend . Either because of an unsuitable schedule, busy schedule or a place that may not be accessible. But what happens if someone can't join in breaking the fast with their friends because they have to sell during the month of Ramadan?

As recently shared by the owner of the TikTok account @backwith_meh, reported by on Saturday (30/3). In his upload, he found that one of his friends couldn't join the iftar event with his middle school friends because he had to sell.

This man was not invited to join in for bukber because he had to trade TikTok/@backwith_meh


" When bukber was in middle school... sorry, I didn't follow bukber, I had to trade, " wrote the account in the video.

Suddenly his friends in the video didn't want the man to miss the moment of hanging out with other friends. Finally, they agreed to break the fast together and buy up their friends' merchandise. Apart from helping a friend's business, this moment also allows men who are selling to join in the reunion.

This man was not invited to join in for bukber because he had to trade TikTok/@backwith_meh

photo: TikTok/@backwith_meh

" Bring the merchandise here, please, let's just eat your merchandise, " said the friends.

The atmosphere in the video upload was very warm with a good initiative. Friends who couldn't break the fast together were also seen preparing food in their carts with happy smiles.

In the uploaded video, they are seen taking photos together with happy faces because they can meet their friends again. Don't forget that the friends who had previously reported that they couldn't attend the iftar together because they were selling also took photos with them.

This man was not invited to join in for bukber because he had to trade TikTok/@backwith_meh

photo: TikTok/@backwith_meh

" One loyal friend is worth more than a thousand fake friends, " wrote the account.

This video upload has been watched 2.3 million times, 290.4 thousand likes and 3,643 comments.

" Just seeing this makes me cry like it looks simple, but not all my friends can, " said the account @uni.not.eonnie.

" Ah, that's exciting, please don't ask anyone to bid on the price, friend, " said the account @hen2703.

" It's fun when the bukber is like this, not to show off our achievements but to show off our longing for our friends, " said the account @widbobninaisa.

" REALLY COOL! Thank you, bro, for being kind to your friends, " said the account @xoxokayth

" This is great instead of saying "well once a year you can't do it, " said the account @athfd_

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