foto: Instagram/@anggela__permata

From a simple life, he has now turned into a rich entrepreneur who has abundant assets.

  30 Maret 2024 23:00 - The name Anggela Permatasari may not be very familiar to some people. Even so, the skincare entrepreneur with her product Angel Tacik Skincare is quite popular on social media. The product has even been recognized as being accepted not only in Indonesia, but also abroad.

Of course, it wasn't easy for Anggela to build a skincare business . He started his business by selling other people's products through his social media. Until finally, he decided to have his own product which is still not far from the world of beauty. Anggela also created the Angel Tacik brand which sells skincare and bodycare products at affordable prices.

From the business she runs, Anggela is able to have a better life. Previously, she only lived in a rented house with lots of stuff, now Anggela and her husband are able to build a magnificent residence like a palace. The luxury of the residence can be seen from the rooms inside, including the portrait of the room.

portrait of skincare boss Anggela's room  Instagram

portrait of skincare boss Anggela's room

Come on, take a look at's summary from Instagram @anggela__permata on Saturday (30/3), a portrait of skincare boss Anggela's room.

1. Previously only living in a rented house with stuff full of things, now Anggela and her husband are able to build a magnificent residence like a palace.

portrait of skincare boss Anggela's room  Instagram

portrait of skincare boss Anggela's room

2. The luxury of Anggela's residence can be seen from the portrait of her room. Using your fingerprint to open the door, this room looks luxurious in gold tones.

portrait of skincare boss Anggela's room  Instagram

portrait of skincare boss Anggela's room

3. When you open the door, you are immediately presented with a walk-in closet that is no less luxurious.

portrait of skincare boss Anggela's room  Instagram

portrait of skincare boss Anggela's room

4. This room looks very beautiful to look at with various cabinet shelves and yellow lamps.

portrait of skincare boss Anggela's room  Instagram

portrait of skincare boss Anggela's room

5. Angela is very happy with the appearance of her new room. Remembering, he was once insulted because he slept in a room one square wide.

portrait of skincare boss Anggela's room  Instagram

portrait of skincare boss Anggela's room

6. Now, this insult has been realized in his success in building a luxurious residence and more spacious rooms.

portrait of skincare boss Anggela's room  Instagram

portrait of skincare boss Anggela's room

7. This room carries a minimalist concept with strong white nuances, visible from the interior and exterior.

portrait of skincare boss Anggela's room  Instagram

portrait of skincare boss Anggela's room

8. When sleeping in a hotel, he uses a twin size bed which looks comfortable with white shades.

portrait of skincare boss Anggela's room  Instagram

portrait of skincare boss Anggela's room

9. In one corner of the room, you can also see a soft sofa which is used as a place to relax.

portrait of skincare boss Anggela's room  Instagram

portrait of skincare boss Anggela's room

Anggela Permatasari's long struggle

Not much different from other skincare entrepreneurs, Anggela Permatasari also started her business from scratch. Before successfully marketing her product Angel Tacik Skincare, she sold other people's products online via social media.

Until finally, he tried to sell his own skincare products. Since starting out, he said that it has actually developed rapidly and attracted the attention of the public. A thousand regrets, when her business started to skyrocket, Anggela was hit by legal issues and had to deal with the law.

However, this disaster or trial did not become an obstacle for Anggela from doing business. As the process progressed, his business skyrocketed again and he had a product that was recognized as being accepted not only in Indonesia, but also abroad.
