foto: TikTok/@nityaputri - Entering the month of Ramadan, it is not uncommon for various circles of friends to invite iftar together, aka bukber. For some people, breaking the fast together is a moment they look forward to because it can be a reunion with friends. However, it turns out there are also those who think that bukber is not that important because it is only a place to show off achievements.
This is clearly different from this friendship circle . Their Bukber is intended to build togetherness and strengthen friendships. The story can be seen in the TikTok video posted by the @nityaputri account.
It is known that this circle of friends comes from the same campus, namely National University. They simultaneously became new students majoring in Communication Sciences in 2012. Since that year they have been holding bukber.
photo: TikTok/@nityaputri
It doesn't stop in the first year. They continued this tradition of breaking fast together with their contemporaries into the following years. Usually when people graduate from college they will be busy with their own lives. So it is very difficult to hold a meeting even only once a year during Bukber.
But not with this group of people. Since 2012, they have consistently held bukber with their classmates for 12 years. The last time the bukber was held was this year 2024. Their circle is known to number 20 people.
The @nityaputri account has posted all their photos together since 2012. You can see a lot of changes between everyone. Starting from each person's physical appearance to the quality of the camera. You can also see additional personnel, many of whom already have children.
photo: TikTok/@nityaputri
" From photo documentation using a Blackberry, samples of Xiaomi GoPro cameras, SLR, mirrorless, even an iPhone is enough. It's not easy, bro, a campus gang of 20 people. Every time you gather for an event like this, your neck gets veiny ," he said in the caption.
This 12 year journey has certainly built up many things. Apart from being friends, it turns out that many of the 20 people are in romantic relationships. According to the video owner, 2 pairs or 4 people out of 20 have become husband and wife. Meanwhile, 3 couples or 6 of them were dating and have now become exes.
photo: TikTok/@nityaputri
But despite this, their friendship did not break. Continue to gather and be friends as usual. Although to collect it requires more energy.
" Thank God, everything is back on track as good friends, " he continued.
Their story also went viral and attracted the attention of netizens. Many are confused about how they can consistently gather. Meanwhile, it is certainly not easy to prepare an event like this.
" The committee are the most sincere people in the world. They have the greatest patience, " said the account @giagiagi_
" This is what I dream of. But what can I do, I'm always on the committee. It's like that, I always don't get help looking for a place. No one wants to help me find a place, " complained the account @naufalfebriansyah
" It's really cool that the friendship is still maintained ," said @spicyzul
" Winner of the longest running bukber. Chairman of the committee and group friends never give up ," said the account @nunicvimela.
photo: TikTok/@nityaputri
From the video being posted until this article was written, the @nityaputri account has gathered 1.7 million views. Apart from that, there were also 193,000 accounts that gave likes and 1,761 comments.
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