
The results of his savings were given directly using a brown envelope as if he had just received payday.

  14 Juni 2024 11:20

Brilio.net - In schools, saving activities are usually taught as part of character and financial education. Through the savings program, students are taught the importance of managing money from an early age. Usually students will be given a pink or green savings book, whose function is to record the money deposited to the teacher.

This is also what this PAUD child does. Having the habit of diligently saving money, who would have thought that this little girl would have accumulated a fantastic amount of savings . The story can be seen in the TikTok video posted by the @ersaernasari account.

Brilio.net adapted from TikTok @ersaernasari, Thursday (13/6), a female student was seen with a bright smile while showing the contents of her savings book. In the note, it appears that a kindergarten child named Alviana has collected tens of millions, aka double digits.

double-digit savings for preschool children  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@ersaernasari

It can be seen that the child's savings reached IDR 30 million. Alviana regularly saves by depositing an average of IDR 100 thousand per day. Not only books, the teacher also handed over the savings in a brown envelope. Inside contained 3 bundles of IDR 100 thousand denominations, each amounting to IDR 10 million.

This has certainly attracted attention. How is it possible that PAUD children who are still under 5 years old can save that much? Even though it was not explained who was saving, netizens suspected that their parents were the ones actively saving, so the total could be up to IDR 30 million.

The netizen's opinion was also confirmed by the video uploader, in the post's comments column.

"It's not the preschool child who is saving but his mother," said the account @ovita596

"The father gave him the money, the mother told him to save it, the son saved it," answered the teacher.

double-digit savings for preschool children  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@ersaernasari

It is known that the school applies a 1% deduction for each child. This is because the teacher has a big responsibility to look after the money. In fact, students' savings are also put into the account.

So if the child's savings amount to Rp. 30 million, it means that the net amount received is Rp. 29,700,000. IDR 300 thousand is deducted as admin fees.

This story also went viral and attracted the attention of netizens. Many people do not expect the results of these savings. Many of them left responses in the comments column.

double-digit savings for preschool children  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@ersaernasari

"How could it not be, he saves 100/200 thousand a day while we save 5000/10,000," said the account @muena_t@fantastis

"That's not a school child's savings, let alone a child's class (PAUD)... mother's savings without father's knowledge.. preschool savings are only 5k to 10k," wrote the account @alif

"School children should save money from leftover snacks so they can be independent, if that's the case, it's the parents who save, not the children," said @shiro

"That means in the past I should have saved from preschool, maybe now I won't complain about not having money," commented @kehipanfalsu.

From the video being posted until this article was written, the @ersaernasari account has gathered 5 million viewers. Apart from that, there were also 161,000 accounts that gave likes and 7,654 comments.

@ersaernasari PAUD children's savings #saving #diligentsaving #savings #viralsavings #schoolchildren #childsavings #schoolchildrensavings #duit Cemplung Cemplung - Kak Yudi - Jessica Graciela
