foto: Instagram/@marlinda_irwanti

This unique moment occurred at Sahid University, Jakarta.

  13 Juni 2024 22:30 - Some say that the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree. This proverb is often used to describe the characteristics of parents who pass on to their children. Not only character traits, physical aspects also sometimes pass on to their children.

This proverb is also suitable for describing the relationship between a mother named Marlinda Irwanti and her daughter. Through her campus's official Instagram account, the woman who works as Chancellor at Sahid University, Jakarta, shared the moment when she graduated students who successfully completed the doctoral program.

Not only does she feel proud as a chancellor, Marlinda Irwanti also feels happiness as a mother. The reason is, one of the students he graduated was his own daughter. Initially, Marlinda carried out the graduation procession as usual, but the atmosphere felt very emotional when she draped the princess's toga strap.

The moment a mother graduates her child is filled with emotion  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@marlinda_irwanti

From his face, a feeling of happiness and pride radiated from seeing his daughter successfully achieve a doctorate degree. At first glance, this moment may look the same as a graduation in general, but what is different about this moment is that Marlinda was able to educate and make her child's degree equal to hers.

" Mother succeeded in educating her daughter until she was equal to her, " wrote the account @universitas.sahid in the upload, as reported by from Thursday (13/6).

For some people, this moment may not be possible for everyone. Even so, this moment can be a motivation for people who see it. You can see in the video that the mother smiled when her child graduated and gave her a hug at the end before leaving the graduation stage.

The moment a mother graduates her child is filled with emotion  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@marlinda_irwanti

Through another upload on Marlinda's official Instagram account, the woman who also serves as General Chair of FPPI wrote about her feelings of gratitude for being able to see her daughter graduate. Not only that, he also revealed that the journey the two of them went through was not easy.

" When mama moves your toga ponytail, just be grateful and grateful to Allah SWT, who has moved both of our hearts, even though it is full of obstacles and challenges, finally success awaits you, nothing is impossible in this life, efforts will not deny the results and we are role models in investing in education, " he wrote.

This moment also attracted the attention of social media users. The upload has been viewed 3.6 million times. Hundreds of netizens who left comments admitted that they were moved by this moment.

" My mother only went to grade 3 in elementary school, my father is MTS, thank God I got to S1, I hope I can guide my children in the future to become responsible and useful human beings for themselves and others. Whatever their title, hopefully it will be a blessing. Aamiin, " said the account @kurniaayuu08.

" One of the reasons I am highly educated is because I want my descendants to have a much better education than me ," wrote the account @windaaasaragih.

" Masya Allah... great mother and cool child, " responded the account @bena_rangkuti.

" Because I'm also a mother, I know a little about how touched and proud it feels, " commented the account @hemashesti.

" Tabarakallah...Amazing... mother of an extraordinary daughter... congratulations to all those who are happy... also moved... " said the account @oudhy_keren.
