Brilio.net - An unexpected moment came from a TikTok user who uploaded a video of himself being treated in the emergency room of a hospital. Not because he was disturbed by ghosts, this man had uninvited guests suddenly. The unknown person entered the room and played with the man's tube and IV bag. In fact, as we know, when the hand is given an infusion it will feel painful when moved.
Reported by brilio.net on Friday (22/3) from TikTok @Kiminishop, the account owner recorded the moments when grandmothers in black appeared and asked "what are you doing?" According to information from the post, the grandmother was also a patient who slept in the next room.
photo: TikTok/@Kiminishop
The man, who is known to be a teacher at a school in the city of Medan, initially did not feel disturbed. He even answered his grandmother's greeting. However, it turned out that the grandmother suddenly pulled the man's IV pole and shocked him. As if she didn't realize what she was doing, the grandmother continued to talk to the owner of the @Kiminishop account, while her hand continued to hold the IV pole and tried to turn it.
Trying to calm down, the man named Fahri tried to tell the grandmother to rest by asking "Aren't you resting?" Instead of going to bed, the grandmother took Fahri's IV bag and tried to pull out the IV tube that was stuck in this man's hand. As a result, Fahri panicked and felt sick, so he immediately shouted and called the hospital nurse for help.
"Sus..Sus..Sus..." shouted the account owner to deal with the grandmother.
"Why ma'am? Why?" answered one of the nurses who came into the room.
photo: TikTok/@Kiminishop
After the tragedy in the emergency room, fortunately Fahri immediately got a room and was immediately moved. Not only did he move rooms, Fahri had to move his IV from his left hand to his right, because the old IV was swelling.
In another post, Fahri gave a statement advising people who look after their sick parents, not to leave them alone in the hospital. According to him, this is very important, because they require special attention. Even if you have to leave him, you can ask the nurse to look after him so that undesirable things like what happened to Fahri don't happen.
"As a lesson for us, if you are caring for an elderly person or anyone who is elderly (in the hospital), don't leave them behind. Even if you go to the toilet, we have to ask the nurse for permission to leave for a while. Moreover, this looks like the family is coming home," said the account owner. in a clarification video.
Fahri also explained why he shouted instead of pressing the help button, because at that time he was lying on his back and his grandmother was trying to remove the IV drip, while the help button was at the top of the mattress and he couldn't reach it.
When Fahri screamed, four nurses came into the room and immediately treated the grandmother, because she was also trying to remove the IV drip herself. After that, the nurse immediately moved the patients who had not yet received a room to the appropriate emergency room, including the grandmother and Fahri.
The video uploaded by @Kiminishop has been watched 6.6 million times, liked 386.4 thousand times, and flooded with comments from up to 12.1 thousand TikTok users. Many netizens are curious about the reason why the grandmother pulled the man's IV tube. Not a few people also panicked when they saw the video.
"Sir, I'm curious why you pulled out the IV, bro?" said the account @raniaagustina
"I'm curious, why is your mother like that?" said the account @blueeindigo
"That's the grandmother, why doesn't anyone accompany her? You have to accompany her because of that," wrote the account @chomiftah
"It DEFINITELY SICK," responded the account @zyaaia
"The panic is reaching here, I'm really excited," commented the account @chimi.nw