foto: TikTok/@celoteh_ibubayi

This woman admitted that this short marriage was probably the result of her not being very selective in choosing a husband.

  20 Maret 2024 04:46 - Any couple who decides to get married certainly wants a lasting and committed relationship for life. No couple bound by a sacred promise wants to separate quickly. If that happens, there must be factors that influence it.

As experienced by the woman uploaded by the account @celoterg_ibubayi. He told how his life-long marriage was filled with various trials.

He said that it was only three months before he was able to live a married life. After that, the woman decided to separate because she couldn't stand the various pressures . She admitted that this might be the result of her not being too selective in choosing a husband.

3 months of marriage immediately divorced  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@celoteh_ibubayi

She said that in fact, before getting married, she was faced with indecent treatment by her future husband. The husband-to-be was caught saving a vulgar video from another woman. Even though at that time they were already engaged.

Of course, from here, the woman could decide to cancel the marriage. However, he felt the need to protect the family feelings of both parties. He also thought that perhaps this was just a test when he wanted to get married and not as a sign.

However, after they got married, all kinds of problems came out. The woman never thought that she was wrong in choosing a partner. She received unpleasant treatment continuously from her husband.

3 months of marriage immediately divorced  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@celoteh_ibubayi

According to Islamic law, dowry is something given by the man to the prospective bride. But it's different with this woman. Her husband even asked her to pay the dowry. Of course this is something that is against the rules.

He is also often not given monthly income. The husband's reason was because the woman also worked. This also does not fit the concept of marriage where maintenance is borne by the husband.

Husbands also often do not discuss decisions in the household. One of them, the woman said that her husband often lent money to other people without talking first. This will certainly have the potential to become a problem in the future.

3 months of marriage immediately divorced  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@celoteh_ibubayi

Not to mention, as a wife, she rarely gets spiritual support. Her husband always said he was tired because he had worked all day. Meanwhile, after checking Google Maps and email, the husband was found to often book hotels and sleep there.

Because of this, the inner pressure could no longer be endured. The woman decided to separate from her husband even though they had only been in a relationship for 3 months. Even after the divorce, it turned out that the husband was still acting out. Often playing victim about the reasons for divorce.

"At that time I felt, I didn't lack anything, he just lacked gratitude. Let's just fix it," he said

Now that she is divorced, the woman is grateful that she got a better replacement. He has remarried and is blessed with two children. The story he shares is just information for learning for anyone who reads it.

The video went viral and attracted the attention of netizens. Apart from being encouraging, many of them told similar stories. It turns out that quite a few netizens have failed in marriage.

"Our story is the same, sis, I used to be like that too. Decided to separate after three months of marriage," said the account @womanhabit

"I was also married for 4 months and decided to separate. Stayed because I was pregnant. After giving birth I divorced too," said the account @poisone62

"It's best to separate, sis. Instead of holding on to the pain for a long time," wrote the account @devandrashop5522

"Don't feel like a failure, sis. In fact, you are successful. Successfully saving yourself. Congratulations," commented the account @kinaiko

3 months of marriage immediately divorced  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@celoteh_ibubayi

From the time the video was posted until this article was written, the @celoteh_ibubayi account had 47,700 views. Apart from that, there are also hundreds of accounts that have given likes and several comments.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.