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One of them is by setting sleeping hours.

  17 Juli 2024 09:45

Brilio.net - Consuming excessively sweet foods is very bad for your health. The risk of consuming sweet foods can cause obesity, thereby triggering more serious diseases. Based on the results of the 2018 Basic Health Research, the prevalence of obesity in Indonesia has increased, from 10.5 percent in 2007 to 14.8 percent in 2013 and 21.8 percent in 2018. Meanwhile, according to the results of the 2023 Indonesian Health Survey, the obesity rate in Indonesia has increased to 23.4 percent.

Not only that, various diseases can haunt people who like to eat sweet foods, from cavities to diabetes and heart disease. As a general illustration, according to the World Health Organization or WHO, around 422 million people suffer from diabetes in the world. The majority of people with diabetes live in low and middle income countries. Meanwhile, deaths caused by diabetes reach 1.5 million deaths per year.

Other diseases caused by sweet foods, such as heart disease, cannot be underestimated. Based on the Global Burden of Disease and the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), in 2014-2019 heart disease was the highest cause of death in Indonesia. Apart from that, 2013 and 2018 Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) data shows an increasing trend in heart disease, namely 0.5 percent in 2013 to 1.5 percent in 2018.

From the explanation above, you can conclude that consuming sweet foods is very bad for your health. Therefore, you must limit the sweet foods you consume. For this reason, you can listen to the brilio.net explanation which summarizes from various sources, Tuesday (16/7) for you to apply in your daily life.

6 Ways to reduce addiction to sweet foods

Reducing consumption of sweet foods is an important step in maintaining overall health. Addiction to sweet foods can have a negative impact on various aspects of health, including the risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes and other health problems. Therefore, you must know 6 ways to reduce your addiction to sweet foods:

1. Eat fewer sweet foods

6 Ways to reduce your addiction to sweet foods freepik.com

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If you crave sweet foods and can't resist them, try to consume less of them. According to webmd.com, you can limit sweet foods to at least 150 calories. That way, you can control sweet and sweet foods. If you can't avoid large portions of food, try to share the food with other people.

2. Choose alternative food substitutes

6 Ways to reduce your addiction to sweet foods freepik.com

photo: freepik.com

You can replace foods that contain lots of sugar with fruit. Apart from their similar sweet taste, fresh fruit also contains fiber, vitamins and minerals so it is good for health and controls appetite.

3. Get enough fiber intake

6 Ways to reduce your addiction to sweet foods freepik.com

photo: freepik.com

Adequate fiber intake every day is one effective way to stop addiction to sweet foods, you know. The ingredients in foods such as wheat, whole grains, nuts, fruit and vegetables can keep you full for longer. You can avoid the desire to consume sweet foods continuously.

4. Eat regularly

6 Ways to reduce your addiction to sweet foods freepik.com

photo: freepik.com

Usually you eat when you really feel hungry, start changing your eating pattern like that. You can schedule food every day more regularly, such as every 3-5 hours. However, it needs to be underlined, you have to limit the portion. The benefits of eating regularly can help you control your appetite so you can control your desire to eat sweet foods.

5. Get enough sleep

6 Ways to reduce your addiction to sweet foods freepik.com

photo: freepik.com

So that your body can stay energized and free from the urge to snack or eat sweet foods, you can sleep around 7-9 hours every day. This method is effective for banishing your desire to overeat.

6. Manage stress well

6 Ways to reduce your addiction to sweet foods freepik.com

photo: freepik.com

When stressed, some people find it difficult to control their appetite and this can make your condition worse. So that your daily sugar intake remains within safe limits, try to manage stress. You can do this by doing things you like, for example watching movies, taking a walk or exercising.
