
Sandi shared his experiences as a Depok firefighter. He and other members faced many difficulties.

  19 Agustus 2024 17:25 - Sandi Butar Butar is increasingly famous for his vocal actions in criticizing Fire Department officials who are considered not to care about operational equipment. The protest action of the man who works at the Depok City Fire and Rescue Service (DPKP) has also attracted attention and gone viral on social media.

Recently, Sandi recounted his complaints while operating a fire engine. Sandi admitted that he and his team often ran out of fuel while conducting rescues, whether it was the car or other supporting equipment. Because of that, he admitted that he often asked for money from residents. Especially the RT or RW heads to buy fuel.

Sandi explained that this incident often happened to him when residents asked for help from the fire department to evacuate fallen trees. At that time, the chain saw as a tool used to cut the tree trunk had no gasoline. At that time, Sandi actually wanted to contact his superior, but he knew that it would take a long time.

Sandi Butar Butar reveals the dark side of Depok Fire Department  Instagram

Sandi Butar Butar reveals the dark side of the Depok Fire Department

"The chain saw doesn't have any gasoline. If we call officials, it will take a long time. Sometimes we chip in. Sometimes when we are desperate, we are honest with the RT or RW head, 'Sir, I'm sorry, we don't have any gasoline'. The chain saw's operation requires gasoline and a mixture of oil. Yes, sometimes we ask the residents," said Sandi as quoted by on Monday (19/8).

Incidents like this apparently did not happen once or twice. According to Sandi, every time there was a request for assistance in evacuating fallen trees, officers always had difficulty getting fuel. So often, Sandi admitted that it had become his daily routine to be mocked by residents.

Sandi Butar Butar reveals the dark side of Depok Fire Department  Instagram

Sandi Butar Butar reveals the dark side of the Depok Fire Department

"Residents will judge for themselves. Someone asked, 'Bro, are you serious about the extinguisher not having petrol? It's the state's money'. We answered as is if there was no petrol," he said.

However, even though he and his friends continued to be jeered by residents, Sandi admitted that there was no other way to do it. He could only reveal the reality for the sake of evacuation efforts.

"Whether we like it or not, what do we want to do? It's been several years and the residents have also assessed it," he said.

In addition to asking residents, he also used to chip in with other members. Sandi admitted that he often spent around Rp24,000 to Rp45,000. Even though his salary was not that big.

Sandi Butar Butar reveals the dark side of Depok Fire Department  Instagram

Sandi Butar Butar reveals the dark side of the Depok Fire Department

"At that time, we bought gasoline from a pool of around Rp. 25 thousand to Rp. 45 thousand, even though our salary was Rp. 3.2 million per month," said Sandi.

Many members are in debt

Sandi admitted that the salary received as an honorary employee of DPKP Kota Depok of Rp3.2 million is only enough for daily needs. Even so, officers still receive health insurance through BPJS. However, limited income remains a challenge for them in facing the increasing cost of living.

He added that the high cost of living and high work risks forced many Depok firefighters into debt. This condition was exacerbated by limited operational budgets that often forced officers to pool money for necessities such as fuel. This limited salary caused a number of members to be trapped in debt.

"I'm sorry, officials have been angry because of the many bills, because members are in debt," said Sandi.

"Some people came to the post claiming to be from the cooperative wanting to collect debts from members. There were also those who were trapped by online loans," he continued.

Sandi Butar Butar, one of the firefighters in Depok City, decided to seek legal assistance from lawyer Deolipa Yumara. This step was taken after Sandi revealed a number of irregularities found within the scope of the Depok City Fire and Rescue Service (DPKP).

According to Deolipa Yumara, Sandi came to ask for legal assistance personally. He explained that there were many irregularities in the management of the Depok City Fire Department, ranging from the lack of budget supervision to the potential for misuse of funds. Sandi also suspected corrupt practices in the use of the budget at the Depok City DPKP.

"Yes, that's right, Sandi Butar Butar came to us. His first visit was to ask for legal assistance, namely personal assistance. There were many things that were lacking or fraudulent, or even the Fire Department felt neglected by the Depok City government, because its budget was not supervised, or it was given but perhaps not supervised or even possibly corrupted," concluded Deolipa.
