The virtue of the istikharah prayer is very great, especially because this prayer shows a servant's submission to the Creator.

  18 Agustus 2024 23:59 - Istikharah prayer is one of the worships taught by the Prophet Muhammad SAW as a way to ask for guidance from Allah in making important decisions. In everyday life, you are often faced with difficult choices that confuse you. At times like this, istikharah prayer becomes a means for a Muslim to ask for Allah's guidance in choosing the best path.

The virtue of istikharah prayer is very great, especially because this prayer shows a servant's submission to the Creator. In performing istikharah prayer, a person shows an attitude of trust and hope only in Allah. In addition, this prayer also provides inner peace for those who perform it, because they believe that Allah will show the best path.

However, despite its great virtues, many people still do not understand how to perform istikharah prayer properly. Therefore, it is important to know the procedures for its implementation, the intentions that must be uttered, and the laws that bind it so that this worship can be performed properly and devoutly.

Here is how to perform the istikharah prayer , its advantages, the intentions that must be uttered, and the laws related to the istikharah prayer, as compiled by from various sources, Wednesday (14/8).

How to pray istikharah

How to pray istikharah

How to pray istikharah

The istikharah prayer is a two-rakaat sunnah prayer which is performed to ask Allah for guidance. The method is as follows:

1. Intention of istikharah prayer

The intention of the istikharah prayer can be said in the heart with the intention of asking for Allah's guidance. The intention is as follows:

How to pray istikharah

Latin: Ushall sunnatal istikhrati rak'ataini lillhi ta'l.

Meaning: "I intend to pray the sunnah prayer of istikharah two rakaat because of Allah ta'ala"

2. Takbiratul ihram, namely raising both hands while saying Allahu akbar.

3. The posture of crossing your arms or placing both hands on your chest, while reading the iftitah prayer and continuing with Surah Al Fatihah.

4. Read a short surah from the Koran, preferably Surah Al Kafirun in the first rak'ah.

5. Bowing and bowing.

6. Iktidal and tumakninah.

7. Prostrate and bow down.

8. Sit between two prostrations and tumakninah.

9. Second prostration with tumakninah.

10. Return to your feet and continue to the second rak'ah.

11. In the second rak'ah, the prayer order is still the same as the first rak'ah. During the second rak'ah, it is prioritized to read the short letter Al Ikhlas.

12. Bowing and bowing.

13. Iktidal and tumakninah.

14. Prostration and prostration.

15. Sit between two prostrations and tumakninah.

16. Second prostration with tumakninah.

17. Final Tahiyat.

18. Greetings.

The virtue of the istikharah prayer

How to pray istikharah

How to pray istikharah

The virtue of istikharah prayer is very great, especially in providing peace of mind when faced with difficult choices. This prayer is a form of surrender to Allah, asking for guidance so that the decision taken is in accordance with His will. Through istikharah prayer, a person shows an attitude of tawakal, submitting all affairs to the Creator with full confidence that Allah will provide the best.

In addition to providing peace of mind, istikharah prayer also provides certainty in making decisions. By performing the correct istikharah prayer, a Muslim will feel more confident and steady in determining the right steps. This prayer helps eliminate doubt and confusion, because guidance from Allah is the basis for choosing the path to be taken.

The law of istikharah prayer

How to pray istikharah

How to pray istikharah

The law of istikharah prayer is generally agreed upon by scholars as sunnah, but there are several more detailed views from each school of thought:

1. Hanafi school of thought

According to scholars in the Hanafi school, istikharah prayer is a sunnah mu'akkadah (highly recommended sunnah) for those who face situations where difficult decisions must be made. This prayer is considered a very important way to seek guidance from Allah before making a decision.

2. Maliki school of thought

In the view of the Maliki school, istikharah prayer is also categorized as sunnah mu'akkadah. Maliki scholars emphasize that istikharah prayer is not only for big decisions, but is also recommended in seemingly trivial matters, because it shows a high attitude of trust in Allah.

3. Shafi'i school of thought

Scholars in the Shafi'i school also consider the istikharah prayer as a mu'akkadah sunnah. They emphasize the importance of performing this prayer before taking action in worldly affairs, especially when one feels doubtful or confused about the choice to make.

4. Hanbali school of thought

In the Hanbali school of thought, istikharah prayer is considered a highly recommended sunnah when facing uncertain situations. Hanbali scholars emphasize that in addition to praying, performing istikharah prayer is a real form of tawakal and belief in Allah that whatever the outcome, it is the best according to Him.
