© 2016 Reuters/Neil Hall

Lego announced that it has now changed its policy and will fulfill bulk orders without asking what the reasons are.

  15 Januari 2016 11:08

Brilio.net/en - Everyones favorite childhood toy company Lego has had a change of heart. Last year, Chinese activist and provocative artist Ai Wei Wei announced that the Danish company wouldnt fulfill his mass order for the colorful bricks as they do not support political messages. Mr. Ai Wei Wei did not go down silently and announced on Twitter that he had been denied the order, which in turn sparked a huge social media campaign #legosforweiwei. This led to people all over the world donating their Lego bricks to Ai Wei Wei, which allowed him to finish his exhibit now on display at the National Gallery of Victoria in Australia until April 2016.

Nearly a year later, Lego announced that it has now changed its policy and will fulfill bulk orders without asking what the reasons are. "We make Lego bricks and Lego bricks are all about freedom of expression because anybody can take Lego bricks and build whatever they can imagine," Mr Trangbaek the spokesperson for Lego said. Its a little too late for Ai Wei Wei but its never too late to make amends.

(Reported by Ivana Lucic)

