headline: TikTok/@abi_andree

The definition of work with deadlines, huh~

  13 Juni 2024 09:45

Brilio.net - Have you ever washed eating utensils, such as spoons, forks, glasses, plates and plates? Usually when washing plates or bowls, you will clean them slowly to make sure the cutlery is really clean. Not only that, when washing dishes you usually go through several stages, starting from smearing them with soap and rinsing them twice so that there is no dirt and they feel like they are matting.

But what happens if someone washes the dishes? It's not the important thing that it's clean, but the important thing is that it's finished quickly. Either because there are so many or because it is to speed up the work. As was done by an employee at a restaurant whose restaurant name was not disclosed. Reported by the TikTok account @abi_andree, two people wearing the same clothes were seen washing quite a lot of dishes.

Actually washing cutlery is a normal thing, but what makes these two restaurants different is the way they wash them. Usually, if you go to a restaurant or place to eat, of course you choose a clean place with a varied food menu. Not only that, the service must also be satisfactory. But you never know how they make the food and whether the cutlery they use is really clean or not.

It's not what's important that it's clean  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@abi_andree

As seen in the video, the way they wash the dishes is very fast, as if they are competing to get them finished. In fact, I was washing so fast that one plate suddenly broke because it hit the edge of the bucket and fell to the floor. Instead of stopping and cleaning the broken plate, the man smiled and continued washing the other plates.

Using only a sponge and a large bucket for rinsing, this man didn't take long to clean the pile of dishes that his friend had confronted him with. Even next to him there were still many dirty plates piled up waiting for him to wash them. However, even though it was fast, this actually made netizens not have the appetite to eat and wondered whether the results were really clean or just soaked in soap and water.

This 31 second video has been watched 5 million times and received 1344 comments from netizens when this article was written. Many doubted the cleanliness of the plates, quite a few were annoyed with the way this man washed the dishes.

"Isn't it just like that, it's not fishy?" said the account @csaaaawww

"Is it clean or not, the dishes are finished," wrote the account @muhammadramdankus

"Can't guarantee it's clean," commented the account @chofral1

"Didn't you take a pay cut? I used to work as a meatball worker, breaking up bowls, breaking blenders, so I was told to cut my salary," responded the account @ryaamelia183

"Oh, you don't have to be like that," said the account @aca0333

@abi_andree P!! Racing #washing dishes #restaurant original sound - -
