Netizens asked Plaza Indonesia to upload the perpetrator of the abuse.

  7 Juni 2024 15:21 - The action of a Plaza Indonesia security guard who abused a guard dog went viral on social media. In @marlenehariman's Instagram Stories upload which was republished by the @nathasatwanusantara account, a security guard in full uniform is seen venting his anger at the guard dog.

The security guard pulled tightly on the collar that tied the guard dog's neck. It can also be seen that he slashed the leash towards the dog's body repeatedly. The cause is not yet known, but the security guard did not stop persecuting him even though the guard dog looked down in fear.

The owner of the video that recorded the incident seemed angry with the action of the Plaza Indonesia security guard because he abused the guard dog without feeling guilty. He asked Plaza Indonesia to punish the security guard who abused the guard dog.

Plaza Indonesia opens its voice regarding the dog's condition  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@nathasatwanusantara

"Hello @plazaindonesia. Here, please POLISH the security. WHY WAS THE DOG BEING BOOKED?????? WHY HAD TO BE SO RUDE????" said the video uploader, reported by Friday (7/6).

The upload immediately became popular on social media. They condemned the security guard's actions and hoped that Plaza Indonesia would immediately take firm action. Because, according to netizens, the sniffer dog was in a frightened condition after being hit by the security guard.


This incident was immediately responded to by the mall. Through his upload on Instagram , he apologized for the unpleasant incident. His party will immediately take firm action against security guards who commit cruel acts against guard dogs.

Plaza Indonesia opens its voice regarding the dog's condition  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@plazaindonesia

"We are aware that a video of what happened at Plaza Indonesia has been circulating. We deeply regret this incident and apologize for any inconvenience caused. Currently, we are investigating this matter thoroughly and will take appropriate disciplinary action against those involved." " he explained.

Along with the release statement uploaded to Plaza Indonesia's social media account, they also revealed the condition of the guard dog, known as Fay. His party revealed that Fay's physical health was fine and she did not suffer serious injuries after the violent incident.

This condition is in accordance with the explanation of a veterinarian who has checked Fay's health condition. They showed a portrait of Fay who looked active and alert. Fay still responded well when invited to play catch and shake hands with the doctor.

Plaza Indonesia opens its voice regarding the dog's condition  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@plazaindonesia

"After I carried out a thorough examination, physically, I found no bruises, lumps or similar bleeding," said Dr. Caesar in the video uploaded by the Plaza Indonesia account.

Not only from a physical perspective, the veterinarian also provided an explanation regarding Fay's motor condition, which was said to be normal. He said that Fay was still responding well and there were no serious injuries to her eyes.

Plaza Indonesia opens its voice regarding the dog's condition  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@plazaindonesia

"Fay's response is still alert and alert, there is no bleeding or bruising in the eye area or anything like that. The mouth area is the same. The ear area is also good," explained the doctor again.

Doctor Caesar also ensured that Fay remained healthy and active without injury after the violent incident. "I can conclude that Fay is still in good health," he concluded.

Plaza Indonesia opens its voice regarding the dog's condition  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@plazaindonesia

Although netizens and a number of celebrities are grateful that Fay's health is fine, there are also those who think that Fay might have psychological trauma. They also asked Plaza Indonesia to also upload the perpetrator of the abuse.

"Where is the perpetrator? Where is the apology and accountability?" explained @robetbet

"Where are the details of the abuser?! Please share the vendor and/or perpetrator so that other companies can also take care that it doesn't happen in other situations," explained @andreaslukita_

"Which perpetrator's apology video?" said @sabrinachairunnisa_
