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Many applicants have not received the results of the 2024 CPNS administrative selection.

  17 September 2024 12:31

Brilio.net - After going through a series of registration processes for the 2024 Civil Servant Candidate (CPNS) selection, many participants are waiting for the announcement of the administrative results. This is because the results of the administrative selection determine whether participants pass to the next stage or not.

It is no wonder that the public is often waiting for the results of the 2024 CPNS administrative selection announcement. Based on the BKN circular, the announcement of the 2024 CPNS administrative selection will be announced from September 14 to September 19, 2024.

Unfortunately, many applicants have not received the results of the 2024 CPNS administrative selection. Not without reason, most likely the verification process will take a long time considering the extension of the registration period. Even so, according to the BKN statement, the Letter of the Acting Head of the State Civil Service Agency (BKN) Number: 5900 / B-KS.04.01 / SD / K / 2024 that the announcement of the results of the administrative selection is still ongoing until September 19, 2024.

Well, therefore, participants can check it periodically on the State Civil Apparatus Candidate Selection System (SSCASN). How to check the announcement is not too difficult, you just access the official page. If there are no results, you can check the link for each agency.

To better understand it, brilio.net provides a complete review of how to check the announcement of the results of the 2024 CPNS administrative selection along with complete links adapted from various sources, Tuesday (17/9).

How to check the announcement of the results of the 2024 CPNS administrative selection.

How to check the announcement of the results of the 2024 CPNS administrative selection  2024 brilio.net

photo: sscasn.bkn.go.id

1. Open the official SSCASN page https://sscasn.bkn.go.id/

2. Login to your SSCASN account by entering your population registration number, password, and captcha.

3. Click "Registration Resume"

4. The SSCASN page will show the results of the administrative selection at the end of the registration resume. You just need to scroll down.

So, for those of you who have successfully passed the administrative selection, there are results on the SSCASN website page "Congratulations! You have passed the file administration stage"

However, if you are declared not to meet the requirements (TMS) and do not pass the administrative selection, you will receive the following announcement: "We apologize. You did not pass the administrative stage because you have not met the administrative requirements of the agency you applied to."

Well, for those of you who are declared TMS, you have the right to file an objection within 3 days after the announcement. Immediately file an objection after the results are out, don't be close to avoid system overload.

Official link for the announcement of the 2024 CPNS administrative selection in various agencies.

How to check the announcement of the results of the 2024 CPNS administrative selection  2024 brilio.net

photo: sscasn.bkn.go.id

1. State Civil Service Agency (BKN): https://bkn.go.id/

2. Supreme Court (MA): https://rekmen.mahkamahagung.go.id/

3. Attorney General's Office of the Republic of Indonesia: https://biropeg.kejaksaan.go.id/pengumuman/cpns

4. Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK): https://rekrutmen.mahkamahagung.go.id/

5. Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham): https://cpns.kemenkumham.go.id/

6. Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (Kementerian ESDM): https://casn.esdm.go.id/

7. Ministry of Religion (Kemenag): https://casn.kemenag.go.id/

8. Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbud Ristek): https://cpns.kemdikbud.go.id/

9. Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub): https://cpns.dephub.go.id/

10. Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan): https://casn.pertanian.go.id/

11. Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos): https://cpns.kemensos.go.id/

12. Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu): https://rekrutmen.kemenkeu.go.id/

13. Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin): https://rekrutmen.kemenperin.go.id/

14. Ministry of Defense (Kemenhan): https://www.kemhan.go.id/ropeg/category/pengadaan-cpns

15. Ministry of Trade (Kemendag): https://rekrutmen.kemendag.go.id/cpns/offline/main

16. Ministry of Health (Kemenkes): https://casn.kemkes.go.id/

17. Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri): https://infocasn.kemendagri.go.id/

18. Ministry of National Development Planning: https://rekrutmen.bappenas.go.id/cpns

19. Ministry of Economy: https://rekrutmen.ekon.go.id

20. National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN): https://casn.brin.go.id/
