As time goes by, is a career as a civil servant no longer an option?

  4 September 2024 20:10 - The profession of prospective civil servants may no longer be sexy for Gen Z. Even though almost every year, the government offers thousands of positions. From data from the State Civil Service Agency, ASN from Gen Z has only reached 6 percent. This number is not comparable to the Gen Z population which currently dominates the demographics.

If associated with the development of the times, the CPNS career may not be so relevant anymore . A lifestyle that emphasizes flexibility and comfort makes Gen Z reluctant to 'play' ASN-ASN. When compared to creative workers such as content creators or graphic designers, public sector workers do sound more conservative.

The advantage is that this job offers income stability that many people are looking for. The future also doesn't need to be worried about because you will get a pension. If stable jobs don't interest Gen Z, then what do they want to be?

Gen Z's dilemma: Interest in becoming a civil servant is only fifty-fifty.

Referring to a survey by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) until mid-2024, it was revealed that almost 10 million Gen Z are now unemployed. They are people who are not recorded as working or studying. With such a reality, is it true that Gen Z is considering a more promising career? met several Gen Z students , and the good news is, they are still optimistic about their career opportunities after college. Success via CPNS is only a fifty-fifty choice.

A new student majoring in History named Askal (18) is an example. For him, working in a museum that stores historical stories and relics is more interesting than working in an office as a public servant.

"I entered history because I was interested in the world of history, especially socio-political history. The expectation when choosing this major, for example, was being able to work in a museum, it seemed like an interesting choice," he said while sitting relaxed in the campus gazebo.

While enjoying the shade of the trees that shade the gazebo, he told about his parents who are honorary teachers. The public must know how difficult it is to survive for so long relying on a civil servant's salary. But that did not stop the guy who is approximately 175 cm tall from targeting the CPNS profession which offers income stability.

"I haven't thought about becoming a civil servant and I'm not interested. If I don't work in a museum, I want to be an entrepreneur," he said.

Gen Z registers for CPNS


Likewise with Mirdha, a student majoring in Sociology Education who is on the verge of work. For this girl from Central Sulawesi, it turns out that a civil servant career is also a fifty-fifty choice. Looking at her educational background which is a teaching group, of course CPNS sounds tempting. She also admitted that if she became an honorary teacher, there would definitely be many difficult challenges. But this did not make her afraid or immediately choose to become a CPNS fighter.

"(Becoming a CPNS) depends. If you say you are interested, it's 50:50," he explained with a smile.

Furthermore, Mirdha actually told her struggle as a regional student who was willing to be separated from her family in order to pursue her education in Jogja. Since semester 3 to 9, she was willing not to go home because for her, it was taboo to go home before her diploma was in her hands. This long-haired girl also revealed her noble ideals. If she has completed her education, she will return and teach in her hometown.

While waiting for the graduation process, he revealed that if he did not become a teacher, at least he would try out a profession as an expert staff. Whether he became a CPNS teacher or not, he would return home and teach in his birthplace. then met with Manda, a Communication Science student who is currently in her fifth semester. She did not deny that her dream job is the creative industry. As a communication student, the wide job opportunities certainly make her have unlimited career choices. However, she herself did not deny that she would definitely try the CPNS opportunity.

Born from a family that has plunged into the world of civil servants, making the doctrine of guaranteed income in the future undeniable. "Because from the family also civil servants (I myself suddenly became careless) and in terms of economy, it can be said that civil servants are stable," he said. But that also did not stop him from trying the creative world.

"For me, I'm more into the creative (industry) first, exploring here and there according to my interests first, well, that's called an ideal, then maybe if I get bored/suddenly change my mind, then I'll change direction to CPNS," he concluded.

From the survey, CPNS may no longer be the main choice, but it is undeniable that it is an alternative career that promises a stable income. For some Gen Z, there are many interesting professions to explore, before choosing to become a civil servant.
