foto: Instagram/@audrey.davis;

This case is increasingly common in the digital era and has serious impacts on victims.

  15 Agustus 2024 22:20 - The case of Audrey Davis's pornographic video , daughter of former Naif band vocalist David Bayu, is currently in the public spotlight. The police have arrested three suspects who spread the video, namely AP (Audrey's ex-lover), MRS, and JE. The main motive for spreading this video was AP's grudge after being dumped by Audrey.

Director of Special Criminal Investigation of Polda Metro Jaya, Senior Commissioner Ade Safri Simanjuntak, revealed that his party is still investigating the alleged extortion carried out by AP against Audrey.

"There is evidence of communication between witness AD (Audrey Davis) and suspect AP containing a threat to distribute pornographic video content by suspect AP aimed at witness AD," said Ade, quoted by from Liputan 6, Thursday (15/8).

Evidence of threats has been pocketed by investigators after confiscating Audrey's cellphone during the examination. AP was charged with multiple articles related to the ITE Law and the Pornography Law with a sentence of more than 5 years in prison.

The case is still being developed because investigators have found about five related videos. The police remind the public not to redistribute the video because it can be subject to criminal sanctions. AP's actions in spreading Audrey's pornographic video are a form of revenge porn.

Revenge porn is the act of spreading pornographic content without the consent of the person in it as a form of revenge or jealousy. This case is increasingly common in the digital era and has serious consequences for the victim.

The following is a further explanation regarding revenge porn and the punishment for the perpetrators, compiled by from various sources on Thursday (15/8).

What is revenge porn ?

punishment for spreading immoral content  2024


Revenge porn is the act of spreading content that damages someone's reputation digitally with the motive of revenge. The perpetrator usually spreads pornographic photos or videos without the consent of the person in it. This act is usually accompanied by threats to embarrass, harass, intimidate, or even bribe the victim.

The National Commission on Violence Against Women (Komnas Perempuan) stated that revenge porn falls into the category of online gender-based violence. Although it can happen to anyone, victims of revenge porn are more often women. The perpetrators of revenge porn are not always people close to the victim, but can also be carried out by hackers who steal the victim's personal data.

The main purpose of revenge porn is to humiliate and damage the victim's reputation in the public eye. The perpetrator is usually motivated by hurt feelings, jealousy, or a desire to control the victim. The effects of revenge porn are very serious and can affect many aspects of the victim's life in the long term.

Revenge porn is different from regular pornography because it is done without consent and is intended to harm the victim. This act violates the privacy and human rights of the victim, and can be categorized as a form of sexual violence. Therefore, revenge porn is considered a serious crime in many countries, including Indonesia.

The impact of revenge porn on victims is very serious and can affect the victim's mental health and social life. Here are some of the bad impacts that are often experienced by victims of revenge porn:

1. Anxiety disorders, depression, and sleep disorders
2. Easily shocked, confused, have nightmares, and are haunted by fear.
3. Feeling guilty and experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
4. Self-isolation and withdrawal from social environments
5. Loss of livelihood or difficulty finding work

It is important to remember that the effects of revenge porn can last a long time even if the content is not actually widely distributed. The threat of distribution alone is enough to cause trauma for the victim. In addition, female victims of revenge porn tend to receive a more negative response from society than male victims, adding to the psychological burden that must be borne.

Criminal penalties for perpetrators of distributing pornographic content

punishment for spreading immoral content  2024


Indonesian law has set sanctions for perpetrators of spreading pornographic content, including revenge porn. Some articles that can ensnare perpetrators include:

1. Law on Sexual Violence Crimes (UU TPKS) Article 14:
Regulating electronic-based sexual violence. Perpetrators can be subject to a maximum of 4 years in prison and/or a maximum fine of Rp 200 million.

2. Pornography Law Article 4 Paragraph (1) and Article 29:
Prohibiting the provision and distribution of pornographic content. The threat of punishment is imprisonment of 6 months to 12 years and/or a fine of Rp 250 million to Rp 6 billion.

3. ITE Law Article 27 Paragraph (1) jo. Article 45 Paragraph (1):
Regulating the distribution of pornographic content via the internet. Perpetrators can be subject to a maximum prison sentence of 6 years and/or a maximum fine of Rp 1 billion.

If the distribution of content is accompanied by threats, the perpetrator can be subject to multiple articles with additional penalties of up to 6 years in prison and/or a maximum fine of IDR 300 million. It is important to remember that not only the creator and distributor of content can be subject to sanctions, but also those who help distribute or share the content.

Given the serious impact and threat of severe punishment, the public is urged not to be involved in the distribution of pornographic content, including revenge porn. If you receive such content, it should be deleted immediately and not distributed further. For victims of revenge porn, it is recommended to immediately report to the authorities and seek psychological help to overcome the trauma they have experienced.
