
This trend emerged as a response to the culture of excessive consumerism.

  15 Agustus 2024 19:10 - In this fast-paced digital era, skincare trends continue to evolve at an astonishing pace. One concept that is currently attracting attention in the skincare world is the "underconsumption core". This trend emerged as a response to the excessive consumerism culture in the beauty industry, offering a simpler and wiser approach to skin care.

Underconsumption core in skincare is not about neglecting skincare, but rather about understanding and meeting the needs of the skin more efficiently and effectively. This philosophy encourages us to be more selective in choosing skincare products, focusing on ingredients that the skin really needs, and avoiding overbuying or using too many products.

The concept has become increasingly popular on social media platforms, especially TikTok, where influencers and beauty gurus share tips on how to incorporate underconsumption core into your daily skincare routine. They emphasize the importance of knowing your skin type, understanding what each product does, and choosing multi-functional products to optimize your skincare routine.

In addition to the benefits for skin health , underconsumption core also offers financial benefits. By limiting purchases to only the products that are absolutely necessary, consumers can save significantly on expenses. This is especially relevant in the midst of an uncertain economic situation, many people are looking for ways to manage their finances more wisely.

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In addition, there are other things you need to know about underconsumption core. Through various sources, the following are the principles of underconsumption core in skincare, as summarized by from various sources, Thursday (15/8).

1. Minimize products.
Focus on the essential products that your skin really needs.

2. Quality over quantity.
Choose high-quality products with effective active ingredients, rather than buying multiple products with limited benefits.

3. Consistency.
Use products consistently for optimal results, rather than constantly changing products.

4. Understanding skin needs.
Know your skin type and needs before purchasing a product.

5. Avoid impulsive buying.
Resist the temptation to buy every new viral skincare product.

The benefits of underconsumption core in skincare.

underconsumption core in skincare  2024


If you already know about the concept and principles of underconsumption core, this time you need to know its benefits. There are several benefits that you need to know, as summarized by from various sources, including:

1. Better skin health.

By reducing the amount of products used, the risk of irritation and negative reactions on the skin can be minimized. The skin also gets a chance to function naturally without too much intervention from external products.

2. Financial savings.

Limiting purchases to only the products that are absolutely necessary can save you significant money. This is very helpful in managing your personal finances better.

3. Waste reduction.

Consuming fewer products means reducing the amount of packaging thrown away, contributing to environmental conservation efforts.

4. Simpler routines.

With fewer products, skincare routines become simpler and easier to follow, increasing consistency in skincare.

5. Focus on products that actually work.

Underconsumption core encourages you to pay more attention to which products are truly effective for your skin.

How to Apply Underconsumption Core in Skincare.

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More information about underconsumption core, you need to know how to apply it in your skincare needs. There are six ways, including:

1. Evaluate all the skincare products you have. Separate between those you really need and those that are just "nice to have".
2. Understand your skin type and the specific skin concerns you face. Focus on products that address those needs.
3. Look for products that offer more than one benefit to reduce the number of products used.
4. Before buying a new product, make sure to finish the products you already have (unless the product is not suitable for your skin).
5. Focus on three basic products, such as cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen. Add other products only if absolutely necessary.
6. Give the product time to show its effects. Don't be tempted to keep changing products.

Challenges in implementing underconsumption core.

underconsumption core in skincare  2024


Providing a number of benefits to life, sometimes there are a number of challenges that make it difficult for someone to implement underconsumption core. Here are three challenges of underconsumption core:

1. The beauty industry is constantly launching exciting new products. It is important to stay focused on your skin's needs.
2. Feeling left behind by the latest trends can be challenging. Remember that healthy skin is more important than following every trend.
3. Changing long-standing consumption habits can be difficult. It requires patience and commitment.
