The husband is known to have left the house since Cut Intan's upload was popular.

  13 Agustus 2024 21:19 - The case of domestic violence (KDRT) that befell celebrity Cut Intan Nabila is currently a hot topic of public discussion. This case was first known to the public after Intan uploaded evidence of the violence committed by her husband, Armor Toreador Gustifante.

Launching from her Instagram account, Intan uploaded a CCTV video recording when her husband beat her on the bed . Worse still, it turned out that their third child who was still a baby was accidentally kicked by Armor.

After this case went viral, Cut Intan is now getting serious attention from various parties. According to the upload on the Instagram Story account @uffridatunnitami_real, the celebrity is currently at home with several members of her family.

It was reported that the rest of her family was on their way to her home to provide further support, while her husband had already left the house after the shocking incident was revealed to the public.

However, for now the former fencer still does not want to be met. It is said that Intan's condition is still in shock. Because, the domestic violence incident just happened this morning, Tuesday (13/8).

The trauma he experienced left a deep impression on him. He needed time and support to recover.

"The incident just happened this morning, Intan is still in shock and Intan has to take care of a long process like a medical examination first, so for now, friends, just help by praying," wrote the account @uffridatunnitami_real.

Cut Intan's current condition  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@uffridatunnitami_real

Who would have thought, this mother of three had previously reported Armor to the police regarding domestic violence. How could it not be, in 5 years of building a household, she had experienced domestic violence from her husband many times.

This was known through the upload of celebrity Shella Saukia's story. She said that until now Intan's report on domestic violence has not received a response.

However, Intan is said to have chosen not to prolong the problem or use the media as a means to highlight the case. Shella added that her friend preferred to resolve her problems without causing a scene.

"He said he had already reported it, but to this day he has not responded, but he doesn't want to make a fuss, he doesn't want to play with the media," said Shella.

Cut Intan's current condition  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@shellasaukiaofficial

Now, the Bogor Police have directly checked the viral information about the domestic violence case. The police also took Intan to the Bogor Police for questioning and to be given treatment and protection for the case she experienced.
