Domestic violence is a violation that can result in the threat of punishment.

  4 Oktober 2024 23:10 - Every couple definitely wants to have a harmonious and peaceful household life. But unfortunately, various conflicts can trigger domestic violence. Domestic violence (KDRT) is a serious problem that still often occurs in society, damaging family relationships, and threatening the safety of family members.

Many people think that domestic violence only involves physical violence, whereas this form of violence can also be emotional, verbal, and sexual. It is undeniable that anyone has the potential to experience domestic violence , both men and women. As experienced by Indonesian celebrity, Kimberly Ryder.

Kimberly Ryder's divorce case is currently being hotly discussed. Not a few are curious about the reason for her filing for divorce from her husband, Edward Akbar. After investigating, it was discovered that Kimberly Ryder had experienced domestic violence (KDRT) since 2019. As a result, Kimberly admitted to experiencing mental and verbal injuries during her marriage.

Reflecting on the incident experienced by Kimberly, it is certainly a lesson for everyone to take part in preventing domestic violence, especially for both partners. Because preventing domestic violence is a shared responsibility, and there are various ways that can be done to reduce the risk of violence in the home.

So what can be done to prevent domestic violence ? Let's see more below, as compiled by from various sources, Friday (4/10).

How to prevent domestic violence (KDRT)

How to prevent domestic violence  2024


1. Understanding domestic violence

Domestic violence (DV) is a detrimental act, whether physical, psychological, sexual, or economic, carried out by one family member against another family member. Understanding the root of the problem and the impact of DV is very important to prevent violence in the family environment.

According to research conducted by the Indonesian Child Protection Agency (LPAI), around 1 in 3 women experience domestic violence in their lives. This figure shows how important prevention efforts are so that families can live harmoniously and healthily.

2. Education and awareness

One of the main ways to prevent domestic violence is through education and family awareness to avoid this behavior. Families must be taught about the rights and obligations of each member in a household relationship. This education can be done through seminars, workshops, or discussions in the community.

Research by the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection shows that education on domestic violence can reduce domestic violence rates by 30%. This education also includes an understanding of healthy communication, emotional management, and how to resolve conflicts properly.

3. Creating healthy communication

Next, good communication is key to preventing domestic violence. Family members need to learn how to talk and listen to each other with respect. Open and honest communication can help prevent misunderstandings that can lead to conflict.

Adapting research from Universitas Gadjah Mada, families who have good communication patterns are less likely to experience domestic violence. Communication skills training, such as using "I" sentences to express feelings and needs, can help create a more harmonious atmosphere. On the other hand, avoid blaming others. Therefore, building understanding between families is very important.

4. Social support

Social support from the surrounding environment also plays an important role in preventing domestic violence. Families should feel they have access to seek help from friends, neighbors, or organizations that care about domestic violence issues. Research conducted by the Pulih Foundation shows that individuals who have strong social networks are better able to resolve conflicts in the household and prevent domestic violence from occurring. Building a support network, whether through religious communities, community groups, or non-governmental organizations, can help families feel less alone in facing problems.

5. Early intervention

Early intervention is crucial in preventing domestic violence. If there are early signs of violence or tension in the family, it is important to seek help immediately. This can be done through counseling or family therapy.

Appropriate intervention can reduce the risk of future domestic violence. Authorities, such as social services or psychologists, can provide the necessary assistance to address existing problems before they develop into more serious violence. Unfortunately, in family matters, it is very unlikely that families will voluntarily seek help from others.

On the contrary, most people think it is better to hide the violence they experience because it is often considered a disgrace. Therefore, it is important to be aware of caring more about yourself and not hesitate to seek help from others. So that domestic violence does not occur which can even be life-threatening.

6. Respect differences

Families are made up of individuals with different backgrounds, experiences, and views. Respecting these differences is an important step in preventing domestic violence. Encouraging family members to understand and then respect each other's views can create a more harmonious environment.

According to research published in the Journal of Family Issues, families that are able to accept differences are less likely to engage in conflict that leads to violence. Creating a culture of mutual respect in the family can help prevent domestic violence.

In conclusion, preventing domestic violence requires a comprehensive approach that involves all family members. Through education, good communication, social support, early intervention, and respect for differences, families can build a safe and harmonious environment. With awareness of the meaning of family, it is an important step together to prevent domestic violence and create happier families.
