Cut Intan met Armor, who is now her husband, when she was still in high school.

  15 Agustus 2024 14:24 - The domestic violence case exposed by former fencing athlete and celebrity, Cut Intan Nabila on Instagram has made the public furious. Given, in the uploaded CCTV video recording, Cut Intan Nabila's husband, Armor Toreador, gave his wife repeated blows indiscriminately. Until the baby beside her was kicked.

After the alleged domestic violence case was revealed to the public, an old video of Cut Intan Nabila discussing her initial introduction to Armor Toreador went viral again. While chatting with Nazira Shafa on YouTube, Intan, as she is known, said that her initial introduction to her husband happened on social media.

Until finally, they decided to meet at the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque in Aceh accompanied by their respective parents. They chose to be accompanied by their parents to avoid possible slander.

Cut Intan admits she wasn't given permission  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@ootdcouple_id

"I met my husband through social media. The first time we met, we were accompanied by both parents. We met at the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque. We met at the mosque, to avoid slander," she said, which was re-uploaded by the TikTok account @nuerakmal, Thursday (15/8).

Intan revealed that she met Armor, who is now her husband, when she was still in high school. At that time, Armor asked her to marry him. However, the wish was postponed until Intan Nabila finished her school.

Cut Intan admits she wasn't given permission  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@cut.intannabila

"At that time, I was in the 2nd grade of high school in 2019. The intention was actually to do taaruf, but because the time couldn't be as short as taaruf, so we committed to taking care of each other towards marriage. So I got married after graduating from high school," Intan explained further.

However, her love story with Armor did not go smoothly. Intan even said that her parents did not approve of her. The reason is, her mother wanted Intan to continue her education to college.

But, Intan Nabila and Armor insisted on their wishes. Intan only got her parents' blessing a week before her mother passed away.

Cut Intan admits she wasn't given permission  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@cut.intannabila

"Getting my parents' blessing was hard, because my parents were worried, their child was still young. My parents also said, 'Why is a child so young already thinking about marriage?' Finally, I was able to win my parents' hearts, helped by my husband. Exactly a week before my mother passed away, we finally got her blessing," said Intan.

Before she died, her mother had given Armor a message to look after and protect her child. Because, after marrying Armor, Intan had to leave Aceh to live alone with her husband.

"Maybe this was the way my parents approved of our relationship because my mother already knew he was going to leave. So I was kind of entrusted to my husband, 'please take care of him'. And leaving Aceh was the saddest moment because at that time my mother was no longer there," Cut Intan Nabila continued.
