Enjoying the sunset at Puncak Sosok, Bantul. Apart from that, you can also see the city of Jogja from the top of the hill.

  30 Agustus 2019 16:59

Hello friend Brilio,

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The peak of figures is one of the destination choices for sunset lovers. Starting from the development of empty and barren land. Puncak Sosok has now been a source of income for local residents since 2017. It is located in Bawuran, Bantul, about 16 km from the center of Yogyakarta City. This place can be used as an escape from the tiredness of routine. One of them is a cyclist who often visits this place.

Apart from dusk, Puncak Sosok has beautiful views at night. Namely stars and urban lights that can spoil the eyes. Not only that, Puncak Sosok regularly holds musical performances every weekend. Starting in the afternoon until evening. The facilities at this place are quite complete. Includes stalls that provide food and drinks, toilets and prayer rooms. Visitors are only charged a voluntary fee to enter this destination. Puncak Sosok is open from 5 am to 12 pm.
