Opening atmosphere of FKY 2019, parade in the area of Jalan Malioboro and Zero Km Yogyakarta.

  5 Juli 2019 18:07

Brilio friends, this week is a suitable time to visit Yogyakarta. Because it coincides with FKY 2019. FKY 2019 officially reopened on Thursday (4/7) with a festive parade. Yogyakarta residents and tourists seemed to fill the area around Pakualaman to North Square. This annual event has changed its name. Namely, the Yogyakarta Arts Festival becomes the Yogyakarta Cultural Festival.

The opening of FKY 2019 began with a parade from various dance, arts and cultural studio communities. The parade was led by a column from the Yogyakarta Palace bregada. FKY 2019 will be held at 11 points spread throughout the city of Yogyakarta. Meanwhile, the 2019 FKY center is located in Panggungharjo Village, Sewon, Bantul.
