Residents enjoy the tranquility of Yogyakarta city center without vehicles.

  18 Juni 2019 18:44

Today, Tuesday Wage (18/6), the first trial of a vehicle-free area was held in Malioboro. Only Trans Jogja buses and non-motorized vehicles are still allowed to pass. Malioboro's condition looks neater. Rickshaws passed without a hitch, several young people were seen skating in the middle of the road. Several visitors from outside the city also crowded several points in the area.

One tourist named Dian admitted that he was happy with this policy.

"I really agree because in the Malioboro area there isn't as much traffic jam as usual. If it's usually jammed, it's already difficult for people to get in, let alone park," he said.

Apart from tourists, local residents also take advantage of this moment. Like Danu, who is happy to be able to experience the quietness of Malioboro without motorized vehicles.

"Yes, it's just exciting, bro, we have a place to play in the middle of the city. When else can we play here? The plan is that this moment will be held regularly every Wage Tuesday," he said.
