Horses contain more muscle than other meat.

  8 Mei 2020 18:00

Hi Brilio friends, let's see the nutritionist's explanation regarding horse meat.

Horses are known as one of the powerful animals. We often encounter this type of livestock on farms or usually use its energy as a means of transportation. His large and strong body posture is also often included in various types of championships. So it's not surprising that many people think that horses are a symbol of strength.

But did you know that horses are also processed into various food preparations? Yes, like cows and goats, currently many processed foods are made from horse meat. Horse milk and horse satay are two types of processed horse meat that are easy to find. Even though it is not as popular as cows and goats, it turns out that many people are interested in the meat of these herbivorous animals.

Myths or facts regarding the content of horse meat are still a question mark among the public. The 'he said' label is the one we hear most often in response. However, it seems that people's perception of the strength of horse meat is not completely wrong, especially regarding the strength of horses.

Nutritionist Riyana Rachmawati, S.Gz explained that horses contain more muscle than other meats such as goat or beef. This is because horses usually tend to be more active than other livestock.

Compared to other meats such as goat and beef, horses apparently contain more muscle. Because if you look at their activity, horses usually tend to be more active than other livestock. So it forms more muscle compared to other animals such as goats or cows.
