A stretch of beautiful flowering water hyacinth on the edge of a Japanese-style river. Perfect for spending the weekend.

  25 Oktober 2019 17:07

Kalinampu Hamlet, Sukoharjo Village, Bantul, Yogyakarta is busy with tourists. Creative village youths transformed it into a Japanese-style riverside tourist attraction. Even though initially it was just a stretch of water hyacinth. Named Kalinampu Natural Park. Kalinampu Youth Leader, Doni, said that previously this location was just a pile of wild water hyacinth.

"Indeed, it grows wild. So actually, for the water hyacinth, in previous years they only flowed from the top to here and flowed. Incidentally, the Javanese term for it is Temangsang. They are close to the edge of the river, we just play (use) pathok with raffia rope so they don't get washed away." We've collected all the river water, that's it."

Kalinampu Natural Park opened on October 7 2019. Even though it just opened, Kalinampu is already filled with tourists. Not only residents of surrounding villages but also the people of Jogja and its surroundings.

"Initially a friend of ours, his name is Mas Kasan, saw that there were lots of flowers. He made the assumption, "How would it be good if we made a spot for (village) friends? Yes, maybe initially the target was only for one sub-district, but it turned out that after a while, many people liked it. , we improve the property so that yes for all residents".

It offers a beautiful expanse of purple hyacinth flowers. The management adds additional Japanese-style knick-knacks. So that it attracts visitors to come and take photos.

"We have a friend who has been to Malang, where he came to an area with a Japanese feel. He was inspired by that. So we applied it, like that. Japanese-style property creation."

Tourists only need to pay IDR 5,000 to enter the tourist location. For IDR 25,000, visitors can rent a Japanese-style kimono. Apart from that, visitors can take a boat for IDR 10,000.

"It's better if we come here in the afternoon. So from 3 o'clock, 4 o'clock, 5 o'clock. That's the best thing. So the flowers bloom a lot, we also get a sunset background."

Now the youth group's actions are supported by the local village government. In a day Kalinampu Natural Park can be visited by 200-300 people. On weekends visitors reach 600 people.
