foto: TikTok/@itsjustpampam

Hyperpigmentation or the formation of black spots occurs when melanocyte cells produce too much melanin in the skin.

  15 Mei 2024 10:10 - Apart from acne, a dull face and blackheads, it turns out there are other facial skin problems that are also quite annoying, such as black spots or hyperpigmentation. This condition is indeed a facial skin problem that can make the appearance of the face less smooth, dull and have an uneven color.

This facial condition can arise due to various factors, such as exposure to sunlight too often or excessively, inflammatory acne, the effects of aging, pollution, use of unsuitable skincare or makeup, hormonal changes and so on.

So why is it called hyperpigmentation ? The reason is, this condition occurs when melanocyte cells produce too much melanin in the skin. Melanin itself is a pigment that gives color to skin, eyes and hair. Well, excessive exposure to sunlight can trigger excessive melanin production, causing black spots to appear on the surface of the skin.

Because of this, it's not surprising that many people are looking for ways to brighten black spots on their faces. There are various ways you can do this, such as getting treatment at a beauty clinic, using skincare products specifically for dark spots, and using natural ingredients.

One of the skincare products that is often used is facial serum - it has a special function according to the active ingredients in it, one of which is treating black spots. Even though it is effective, in fact there are natural ingredients that are no less powerful and effective for brightening the face with black spots.

Like the upload from a girl via her personal TikTok account @itsjustpampam, which actually uses 1 type of food, namely rice.

Rice brightens your face with black spots on TikTok

Rice brightens the face with black spots

The content and benefits of rice for brightening and treating black spots on the face.

Not only is it used as a staple food, rice also has many benefits for skin care, you know. The reason is, this natural ingredient contains antioxidants which can help protect the skin from free radicals which have a negative impact on skin health.

Apart from that, rice will work as a natural exfoliator which can lighten blemishes and black spots on the face. In fact, rice is able to overcome black spots due to hyperpigmentation, thanks to the ferulic acid and allantoin content in it. This food ingredient also has natural whitening properties which are effective for brightening the face, evening out skin tone, and slowing down excess melanin production.

As reported on the Healthline page, rice is effective for brightening the face and fading black spots, so it can make the face smoother thanks to the antioxidants in it.

With just rice, you can make a facial mask which is claimed to be effective in brightening your face and fading black spots. In fact, this mask will also make your face more glowing and youthful. This is how to make and use it, as reported by from the TikTok account @itsjustpampam, Wednesday (15/5).

Rice brightens your face with black spots on TikTok

Rice brightens the face with black spots


- A handful of rice
- Enough water

How to create and use:

1. Wash the rice 2-3 times until it is really clean
2. Put water in the pan then add rice
3. Cook until the rice is half cooked and the texture is sticky
4. Turn off the stove then wait until it is warm
5. Blend the half-cooked rice until the texture is softer
6. Wash your face first to remove any dirt that is still attached then dry it
7. Apply the mask to your face thoroughly
8. Leave it for 15 minutes or until dry
9. Rinse using water until clean
10. Continue using moisturizer
11. Do this method regularly 2-3 times a week to get optimal results.

Rice brightens your face with black spots on TikTok

Rice brightens the face with black spots

@itsjustpampam Glass Skin Rice Mask for brightening and hyperpigmentation #ricemask #koreanskincare #koreanglassskin #glassskin #koreanskincare Lady Killers II - G-EAZY
