foto: - Black spots on the face or hyperpigmentation are not only caused by aging, but can also be triggered by the use of inappropriate cosmetics. According to from, this condition can occur if cosmetic products contain hazardous materials such as mercury. Mercury can indeed brighten the skin instantly, but it has dangerous side effects.
Side effects of mercury include the appearance of dark spots, increased skin sensitivity, and excess melanin production when exposed to sunlight. To prevent this, it is important to choose cosmetic products that contain hypoallergenic and comedogenic ingredients. These ingredients are safer because they are made from natural ingredients that do not cause allergies.
If dark spots have appeared, natural ingredients can be used to overcome them. Green tea is often used because it contains high antioxidants called catechins. Catechins help protect the skin from sun damage and improve hyperpigmentation. In addition to green tea, there are other natural ingredients that can also be used.
There are three other ingredients, such as aloe vera, black coffee powder, and rose water. These three natural ingredients have their own benefits and contents. Aloe vera has natural healing and moisturizing properties. Meanwhile, aloe vera gel contains aloin and aloesin which can overcome hyperpigmentation and increase skin cell regeneration.
Black coffee contains antioxidants and caffeine that can increase blood circulation, so it can fade dark spots. In addition, its use as a natural exfoliant can lift and stimulate the growth of new skin cells. Meanwhile, the anti-inflammatory properties in rose water help moisturize and relieve skin irritation.
These ingredients can be used as an effective mask to fade dark spots caused by makeup. For those of you who don't know, let's see the steps below, as reported by from YouTube Damn Beautiful Girl on Saturday (7/12).
photo: YouTube/Damn Beautiful Girl
1. 1 piece of aloe vera
2. 1 teaspoon of coffee powder
3. 1 teaspoon rose water
4. 1 compressed sheet mask
photo: YouTube/Damn Beautiful Girl
1. Wash the aloe vera thoroughly first
2. Take the aloe vera flesh
3. Put it in a clean container
4. Mix the coffee powder
5. Stir all ingredients until well mixed.
6. Pour the rose water into the bowl
7. Stir all ingredients again
8. Then, put the compressed sheet mask into the mixture.
photo: YouTube/Damn Beautiful Girl
1. Clean your face first using micellar water
2. Then, put the compressed sheet mask into clean water
3. Lift and insert the compressed sheet mask into the mask material
4. Dip the mask made from natural ingredients until it is evenly distributed on the compressed sheet mask.
5. Then, apply the mask
6. Leave it for about 15 minutes and rinse using face wash.