Sibad and Krisjiana appeared compact in refreshing green-hued clothing. SEE MORE...
The moment Siti Badriah and Krisjiana announced their second pregnancy, the daughter's expression is adorable
The residence is magnificent like a palace but the TV is tiny, these 9 portraits of Reza Gladys' home theater are getting the spotlight
Siti Badriah's struggle to get pregnant because she was tired of being criticized as barren, her husband prayed at all places of worship
In the living room, 11 portraits of Krisjiana's clean kitchen 'Love Ends Happily' are rarely used
Rumored to be in love with Krisjiana because they were intimate in soap operas, Angela Gilsha gave a checkmate answer
The chemistry is top notch, here are 11 intimate portraits of Angela Gilsha & Krisjiana Baharudin in Love with a Happy Ending
Support Krisjiana acting intimately in Love Ends Happily, 9 intimate moments of Siti Badriah & Angela Gilsha
Not because of jealousy, this is the reason Siti Badriah came to Angela Gilsha on the shooting location
Krisjiana and Angela Gilsha are intimate in soap operas, this is how Siti Badriah responds to rumors of her husband's love affair
Siti Badriah's husband expressed his frustration after being shouted at by a playground employee at the mall, apparently this was the trigger
Siti Badriah's sister-in-law has a successful skincare business, here are 11 photos of her luxurious house like a marble-covered palace