foto: Instagram/@sitibadriahh

Siti Badriah was frustrated when she faced comments from netizens who called her and her husband infertile.

  21 Juni 2024 17:45 - Siti Badriah and Krisjiana's marriage has been going on for almost 5 years. This small family has been blessed with a beautiful daughter named Xarena Zenata Denallie Baharudin who was born on March 18 2022. Now, the three of them have become a harmonious and happy family.

But who would have thought that Sibad and Krisjiana's struggle to quickly have children would not be easy. In fact, they were labeled barren because they had not been blessed with children in two years of marriage. This was revealed when he appeared as a guest star on the CURHAT BANG Podcast with Denny Sumargo.

Krisjiana told Denny for the first time about her fertility problems. Reza Gladys' younger brother admitted that he was the one who had the problem.

"I have a problem," said Krisjiana, quoted by from the YouTube channel Curhat Bang Denny Sumargo on Friday (21/6).

"So the story is, we've been married for two years. Then after two years of marriage, we didn't have children (so) we checked with the doctor, the doctor said it was okay, everything was safe, no one was infertile," he continued.

Siti Badriah's struggle to get pregnant  various sources

Siti Badriah's struggle to get pregnant
YouTube/Curhat Bang Denny Sumargo

Krisjiana said that the quality of his sperm was poor. At that time he felt that this was a disgrace that had to be hidden.

"At first I said it was my disgrace, but now it's okay, I have children too," he said.

Apart from taking vitamins and maintaining their diet, Krisjiana and Sibad also tried artificial insemination methods. However, their efforts failed twice.

The couple, who officially married in 2019, admitted that they were sad because they had tried a number of methods, but failed. Even so, both of them have no intention of trying IVF.

In the midst of this despair, Krisjiana got the idea to find a way out through spiritual means. He decided to visit five religious leaders and ask for prayers so that he would be blessed with children soon.

Siti Badriah's struggle to get pregnant  various sources

Siti Badriah's struggle to get pregnant

Krisjiana explained that he did this not because he did not believe in Islam, the religion he adheres to. He just wants to maximize his prayers and beliefs by asking for prayers from various religions.

"I believe that there is only one God, only communication with God is different. I asked for prayers from various places of worship. I went to church, to the mosque, to the temple, to the monastery because we were confused, what should we do next," he explained .

Responding to her husband's story, the singer from Bekasi admitted that everything was Krisjiana's idea. He immediately agreed to the idea because he was frustrated with being called barren.

"Well, I just agree, right? Because I'm really tired of people saying that I'm infertile. People say that I am barren. "Finally, I agree with what he wants," said Sibad.

Siti Badriah's struggle to get pregnant  various sources

Siti Badriah's struggle to get pregnant

The couple, who married on June 25 2019, feels that everything they have done has paid off. In 2021, Siti Badriah finally became pregnant with her first child. This moment is even more special because it arrives before the wedding anniversary.

"Thank God, not long after that, a few months later, before our anniversary, I became pregnant," he concluded.
