11 Portrait of Alika Islamadina's industrial style kitchen, a room where she stores her food like in a minimarket
This woman from Solo once rejected Sri Sultan Hamengku IX's proposal, here are 11 charming portraits of her
7 Young portrait of Gusti Nurul, daughter of Solo who rejected Soekarno's proposal, her face looks like Mawar de Jongh
The Indonesian delegation is present at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival, showcasing the work of the nation's children
Mooryati Soedibyo, founder of Mustika Ratu, died at the age of 96
Released the official trailer, the comedy film "KAKA BOSS" highlights touching family relationships
The film "Agak Laen" is ready to make Americans laugh out loud starting March 22, 2024
Bringing up the topic of marriage, the Comedy Chaos series by Raditya Dika is ready to entertain viewers on Netflix
Reportedly taaruf, 6 portraits of Inara Rusli and Hendra Zayn during Umrah
Inara Rusli talks about her soulmate, wants to follow in Irish Bella's footsteps
So single parents can buy a house, 9 portraits of Inara Rusli's living room filled with award certificates
Located on the 3rd floor of her house, here are 9 portraits of Inara Rusli's very homey work studio.
9 Appearance of Irfan and Jennifer Bachdim's new house, the design of their family room is like a swimming pool
Taking care of the house without household members, these 9 portraits of Jennifer Bachdim's room are not messy even without a walk in closet
Open the door directly to the dining room, 11 portraits of Jennifer Bachdim's minimalist house in Bali, not much furniture
Once had a feud, 7 moments of Novi Pratiwi at Alvin Lim's funeral home, giving this message to netizens
Received an award from the president, this is the figure of the Mathematics Teacher who gives free lessons on TikTok
Surprisingly, this hijab-wearing mother is the first female fighter jet pilot, her story is inspiring
Enjoying a relaxed retirement, 7 portraits of SBY doing karaoke in an electronics store are flooded with praise
45 funny rhymes with 4 creative lines that will invite laughter
Not only teaching, this teacher shares 10 side jobs in the classroom with his students
55 4-line jokes to lighten the mood, auto make you laugh together
Instead of using poison, this man's unique way of making a mouse trap is a successful idea that will make you grin
Types of democracy: Understanding the various forms of democratic government
Here's how to check the Permanent Voter List (DPT) for the 2024 Regional Elections online
100 democratic words that can increase feelings of nationalism, suitable for oration material
Reluctant to abstain from voting in the 2024 election, take a peek at the moment 7 celebrities voted abroad