foto: Instagram/@tantowiyahyaofficial - Sad news comes from the family of the founder of Indonesian beauty products, Mooryati Soedibyo, founder of Mustika Ratu, who has passed away to the bosom of the Almighty. This news was conveyed by Tantowi Yahya via his personal Instagram account.
The presenter, who also served as Indonesian Ambassador to New Zealand, also remembered the great woman, Mooryati Soedibyo, who died at 01.00 WIB this morning.
"Has passed away to HIS bosom, Mrs. DR. on his Instagram account, reported by , Wednesday (24/4).
Mooryati Soedibyo, founder of Mustika Ratu, died at the age of 96
Furthermore, Helmy Yahya's brother wrote a quite heart-wrenching message for the family and closest people left behind. Including Tantowi Yahya who felt that the late Mooryati Soedibyo had great services for the Indonesian nation .
"Mrs. Mooryati is known as a visionary businesswoman, politician and figure in traditional herbal medicine. Her herbal medicine, which comes from a recipe from the Kingdom of Surakarta, has provided many benefits for people's health and has also made Indonesia proud abroad," he said.
Not only that, Tantowi remembers Mooryati Soedibyo as a figure he admired for his kindness throughout his life. Moreover, Tantowi's involvement in the Miss Indonesia event cannot be separated from the role of the late founder of Mustika Ratu.
Mooryati Soedibyo, founder of Mustika Ratu, died at the age of 96
"I am indebted to Mrs. Mooryati because for many years I was involved in the Miss Indonesia Selection event and represented her several times as Chair of the Puteri Indonesia Foundation and Miss Universe license holder in Indonesia at various meetings abroad," continued Tantowi Yahya.
Not to be left behind, Tantowi Yahya also said goodbye and asked for prayers so that the journey of the late Mooryati Soedibyo would be easier in the future.
"Goodbye, Mrs. Moor. I hope that all of your good deeds and kindness during your life will make it easier for you to return to HIS arms. I testify that you are a good person who has done a lot for this nation," wrote Tantowi Yahya.
Mooryati Soedibyo, founder of Mustika Ratu, died at the age of 96
Suddenly, Tantowi's upload was widely discussed by netizens. Not a few people expressed their condolences. Starting from celebrities to the general public, they also said prayers and said goodbye.
"Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un goodbye Moorish mother ," @hani.fnh
"Innalillahi wa innailaihi rojiun Eyang Moor '
"Hopefully Husnul Khotimah will be accepted by Allah SWT," @editputeriss
"Innalillahiwainnailaihirojiun," @yunishara36
"Innalillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Rojiun," @vinapanduwinata_real