Learn the meaning of plot and its various types in the context of literature, business, and technology. SEE MORE...
Get to know all kinds of markets, complete with explanations of functions and examples
5 Examples of short narrative texts, putting together a story in one paragraph that is dense with words
6 Types of environmental pollution, complete with explanations of their impacts on daily life
8 Types of destiny that influence human life in various cultural, religious and philosophical contexts
5 Examples of short anecdotal texts that are full of satire but tickle
Get to know 5 types of traditional houses on Java Island, a fascinating cultural heritage
Example of an observation report text about chairs, accompanied by detailed explanations for each part.
5 types of marriage laws in Islam, a complete guide for brides-to-be
3 Types of solar eclipse complete with explanation of the process of occurrence
5 Examples of anecdotal texts about garbage, caring for the environment with humorous inserts
11 Examples of short historical texts complete with meaning, function and type
6 Types of social interaction, the key to building relationships in society
8 Types of Food Product Labels, a Complete Guide for Smart Consumers
5 Types of igneous rocks, complete with explanations of their characteristics and functions in everyday life
4 types of norms that apply in society, so they are a guide to social rules that must be known
Often mistaken for plants, get to know what marine animals are that are protected, understand their characteristics and functions
For example, exhibitions at schools can increase students' sensitivity and talent in the field of art
10 Ways to sell used goods on the marketplace, you could get extra pocket money
Example of practicing the 2nd principle at school, understand the meaning, characteristics and benefits