
Removing these stains can be tedious because they really don't just go away.

  8 Oktober 2024 21:00

Dealing with stubborn stains on clothes can be one of the biggest challenges many people face. From stubborn slime stains to stubborn oil stains, each type of stain requires a special treatment. For many, removing these stains can be a daunting task because they simply dont go away.

Slime stains, for example, often remain in the fabric fibers . These stains can dry and stick tightly, making the cleaning process very difficult. Meanwhile, oil stains from everyday activities or mechanical work also pose their own challenges. Oil not only penetrates the fabric fibers, but also leaves a noticeable and stubborn mark.

However, there is no need to worry. With the right technique, dealing with these stubborn stains is not impossible. An Instagram user @ka.laundry_ once revealed a trick to remove these stains easily. In one of the videos uploaded, she admitted to using only one kitchen ingredient to remove the stains.

As reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @ka.laundry_ on Tuesday (8/10), the kitchen ingredient in question is vinegar. She admitted to using kitchen vinegar which is often mixed for cooking. Well, this vinegar can help remove stubborn stains, such as slime stains and sticky oil.


After that, scrape the stain using a stainless spoon. The vinegar will help soften the stain, making it easier to remove. If the surface of the fabric starts to dry, rinse with a little warm water. Then rub again using a spoon. Do this process until the stain is completely gone, okay?

