foto: Instagram/@siti_setyowati_

Cleaning the ladle regularly and ensuring that it is always dry after use is an important step to prevent black moss.

  20 September 2024 09:01

Black mossy ladles are often an unpleasant problem in the bathroom. This black moss not only ruins the appearance of the ladle, but can also be a source of germs and bacteria. One of the main causes of black moss is high humidity in the bathroom environment. This humidity provides ideal conditions for moss to grow and multiply on the surface of the ladle.

In addition to humidity, another factor that affects the growth of black moss is the lack of air circulation. Bathrooms that are not well ventilated or rarely open the windows are more likely to experience moisture buildup. This creates the perfect environment for moss and mold to grow. Plus, water left in the ladle after use will worsen this condition.

Lack of cleanliness and regular maintenance are also the main causes of black moss in the ladle. If the ladle is not cleaned regularly, soap residue, oil, and other dirt will accumulate on its surface. This buildup provides nutrients for moss and mold to grow. Therefore, cleaning the ladle regularly and ensuring that it is always dry after use are important steps to prevent black moss and maintain cleanliness in the bathroom.

But if the ladle in your bathroom is already mossy, don't worry, there is a trick to overcome it. An Instagram user @siti_setyowati_ once shared how to remove black moss on her plastic ladle using dish soap . In addition to dish soap, also use citric acid. The two ingredients will be mixed to produce a maximum cleaner in removing black moss on the ladle.

