YouTube/Aisyelira Arsya

Important steps to pay attention to when using a new refrigerator for the first time.

  8 Oktober 2024 14:00

Having a new refrigerator at home is certainly fun and offers many benefits, such as keeping food fresh longer and providing convenience in storing food. However, there are several important steps to consider when using a new refrigerator for the first time . One step that is often overlooked but is very crucial is not to turn on the refrigerator immediately after it has been installed in its place.

When the new refrigerator arrives at home, this appliance has been through a journey. This condition usually causes a lot of vibrations and shocks. The coolant in the refrigerator system needs time to stabilize after the shipping process. If the refrigerator is turned on immediately without waiting, this can cause damage to the cooling system, reduce the life of the refrigerator, or even cause permanent damage.

YouTube user Aisyelira Arsya once explained further about the reason why a new refrigerator should not be turned on immediately. As reported by BrilioFood on Tuesday (8/10), the netizen initially admitted that she wanted to buy a new refrigerator. She then read an instruction written on the refrigerator.

"Here's a warning, guys. When the refrigerator arrives home, never turn it on straight away. But you have to wait for 2-4 hours," explained YouTube Aisyelira Arsya.


Therefore, it is important to let the refrigerator sit upright for a few hours before turning it on so that the coolant can return to its place and ensure that the refrigerator will function optimally and have a longer service life. Ignoring this step can cause permanent damage to the refrigerator and reduce its efficiency in the long run.

YouTube/Aisyelira Arsya
