
A lid that is slippery due to being wet or oily will be more difficult to open because it cannot be gripped properly.

  18 September 2024 19:00

Many people have difficulty opening glass bottles , especially if the cap is very tight. This is because the design of the bottle cap is very tight, designed to maintain freshness and prevent leakage. A cap that is too tight can make the process of opening the bottle require extra effort and special techniques, which are not always easy for everyone.

In addition to physical strength, the condition of the bottle cap can also affect the difficulty. A cap that is slippery due to being wet or oily will be more difficult to open because it cannot be gripped properly. Other factors such as humidity or temperature differences between the contents of the bottle and its environment can also make the bottle cap tighter. Some people usually try various methods, such as using a rag for a better grip or soaking the cap in warm water to loosen the seal, but these methods do not always work.

If forced, opening the bottle cap like this can actually injure your hand. Moreover, usually, glass bottle caps have quite sharp serrations on the bottom. If scratched, the resulting wound can cause infection, you know.


Sure enough, in one second, the glass bottle cap immediately opened. This indicates that the spoon has the same function as a special bottle opener or opener. However, if you want to imitate this trick, make sure you use a sturdy spoon that won't break easily.

