His increasingly macho appearance looks different from his old portrait.

  24 Juli 2024 21:25

Aprilio Manganang's name recently emerged and became a hot topic of conversation among netizens. The reason is, the man is reported to have divorced his wife Claudia Clara. It is known that the two of them married on December 10, 2022.

Not heard from for a long time, the breakdown of the marriage relationship that had only been built for 1.5 years made Aprilio Manganang's figure once again in the spotlight. This man, born April 27 1992, was previously known as a talented volleyball athlete. His career in the world of volleyball is considered brilliant. Because, she often plays in various professional clubs and was even called up to be a member of the women's national team.

Previously, he was considered a woman because he was born with hypospadias, a disorder that made him registered as a woman since childhood. However, in 2021, after undergoing a medical examination, Aprilio was officially declared a man.

Now registered as a member of the Indonesian Army, Aprilio's appearance looks even more glowing. His increasingly macho appearance looks different from his old portrait. Not a few netizens were confused by the changes. Curious? The following is a portrait of the transformation , compiled by brilio.net from Instagram/@manganang92 on Wednesday (24/7).


In the past, she was often doubted as a woman, even in 2013 she was photographed as a man.

