The event was solemn and intimate because only close family members attended.

  22 Juni 2024 16:00

Currently, Via Vallen's pregnancy is 7 months old. To celebrate the mother's 7th month of pregnancy, Via held a mitoni or 7th month ceremony. This tradition is quite close to Javanese people, namely to the Via Vallen family.

Via Vallen and Chevra Yolandi's mitoni event was held at The Sun Hotel on Friday (21/6). Starting from the decoration and atmosphere of the event which was held, it was quite luxurious. Apart from that, the event was solemn and intimate because only close family members attended.

On this happy day, Via seemed to be crying because she remembered her father. Mitoni pickles had been prepared long ago by Via's family, including her father. Unfortunately, fate said otherwise, Via's father died on May 11 2024 due to a heart attack.

Below, has collected moments from the Via Vallen Mitoni ceremony from various sources on Saturday (22/6).


Via and Chevra looked harmonious wearing traditional Javanese clothing with nude shades. Meanwhile, his family wore all brown clothes.

foto: Instagram/@ellarose_me
