Even though he is not Muslim, this young politician looks enthusiastic when celebrating Eid al-Adha in his hometown of Semarang.

  21 Juni 2024 18:23

Rob Clinton, Chelsea Islan's husband, was recently in the spotlight after being seen celebrating Eid al-Adha. It is known that Rob, his wife and family, were returning to their hometown in Semarang.

This moment suddenly became the public spotlight, considering Rob's religious status as a non-Muslim. After further investigation, it turns out that Rob's mother's family is Muslim. However, the mother decided to convert to Christianity and gave birth to Rob.

Even though he is not a Muslim, this young politician looks enthusiastic when celebrating Eid al-Adha in his village. He was quite diligent in sharing his activities during the holiday of sacrifice .

What do you think the moment was like? The following is a summary from brilio.net from the TikTok account @rob_clinton_kardinal, Friday (21/6).
