From the true story that was made into a film, Nisa, who was betrayed by her husband and sister, Michelle Ziudith, learned many things.

  22 Juni 2024 11:21 - After playing the role of Nisa in Brother-in-law is Death, Michelle Ziudith admitted that she was haunted by trauma and even made her short of breath when she imagined being Nisa. The reason is that in this story, she was betrayed by her younger sister and her husband.

The fact that Nisa's younger sibling, Rani and Aris, Nisa's husband, had an affair was a trauma in itself for Michelle Ziudith. In an interview session with Eliza Sifaa on the CXO Media YouTube channel, Michelle admitted that she was sick of seeing Deva Mahenra, who at that time played Aris.

Not only that, Michelle Ziudith also admitted that Nisa's sad story in the film Ipar is Death made her change her perspective on relationships.

Michelle Ziudith changes her views on love relationships after playing Nisa in Ilaw is Death  2024 YouTube

photo: YouTube/CXO Media

On the YouTube channel, Eliza Sifaa deliberately asked Michelle about how the film made her feel emotional. Michelle then answered clearly, this story really changed her views on love and relationships.

"Sis, I even look at relationships differently. I look at relationships in a different way now," said Michelle Ziudith, quoted by from YouTube CXO Media, Saturday (22/6).

Next, Michelle Ziudith explained the concept of her understanding of a romantic relationship, especially relationships within a household.

According to Michelle, she previously felt that apart from love in a household, what was important together was commitment and respect. But it turns out that after playing the character Nisa in the film Ipar is Death, Michelle really changed her perspective.

"I think in the past, I thought that domestic relationships were not love. Because love is a verb for me. So, if we don't work on it, if we don't keep trying, the love will definitely disappear. For sure. I really believe that and that's all that's left of Household is commitment and respect. I think that's enough, said Michelle Ziudith.

He further said that all this time he was of the view that as long as he always respected and kept his commitments, the love relationship would last. "I always thought, 'Okay, let's build a household together,' but it turns out that's not enough," he continued.

Michelle Ziudith changes her views on love relationships after playing Nisa in Ilaw is Death  2024 YouTube

photo: YouTube/CXO Media

Then, the 29 year old actress came to the view that a domestic relationship is not enough just to have love, commitment and respect from one partner. However, both partners must love, respect and commit to being together forever.

"It's not enough if only one person works there (the relationship) must be truly both parties," he added.

Apart from her perspective on relationships, Michelle Ziudith also reflects on how lucky she is to get genuine love from her partner. He is also worried that in the future he will experience the injuries experienced by Nisa in Brother-in-law, namely Death.

"And I don't know how lucky I will be. I may have got what I want, but whether what I want in the future will continue to be what I want or not," said Michelle.

"I can commit, convince myself that I have the most handsome, the best, right? But I'm not sure about my future husband. Will he be able to do the same thing as me," continued Michelle.

Michelle Ziudith changes her views on love relationships after playing Nisa in Ilaw is Death  2024 YouTube

photo: YouTube/CXO Media

Furthermore, Michelle also considers that in a relationship she can only do as much as possible. Love and love your partner as best as possible, but he cannot force the line of destiny that has been fixed.

"So I see a relationship becoming like 'okay, whatever God says, bro'. I can't force it like I want to get married once in my life. I want this and that, it can't happen," explained the actor who plays Nisa Ipar is Maut.

Like it or not, whether she likes it or not, according to Michelle Ziudith, she can only surrender to Almighty God. For him, only God never leaves or betrays his servants.

"I can only do the maximum, I love what I can, I love what I can. The rest is what Allah says, only Allah will not leave and will not betray us," he said.
