foto: YouTube/Girly Things

This part of the collar is also difficult to clean if you just use water and detergent, you know.

  19 April 2024 22:00 - White shirts are often used as a mainstay outfit for attending formal moments. Apart from being formal, this clothing is also often worn on normal days, because it is suitable to be combined with other outfits, including trousers, skirts, and various outerwear. A white shirt is also an outfit that doesn't know the season, that's why many people like to wear it.

However, if worn frequently, a white shirt is definitely prone to getting dirty , especially at the collar. Usually yellow stains appear due to sweat on the collar of white clothes. This part of the collar is also difficult to clean if you just use water and detergent, you know. Sometimes it takes extra effort to brush it so that the collar of the shirt becomes shiny white again.

So, if you don't want to waste your energy brushing your white shirt collar, this trick for getting rid of yellow stains on your shirt collar from YouTube user Girly Things is definitely for you. Investigate and investigate, even without brushing, a dirty shirt collar can be transformed into white again using one additional kitchen ingredient, you know.

How to clean yellow shirt collar stains.

The first thing that must be prepared is a bucket or basin filled with hot water. Then, put a little laundry bleach in it. It doesn't stop there, you also need to add dish washing soap. Yup, dish soap is the main kitchen ingredient for practicing this trick to get rid of yellow stains on white shirt collars. Then, stir until all the ingredients are evenly mixed.

Mother's tricks to get rid of yellow stains on white shirt collars  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Girly Things

After that, soak the collar of the shirt in the cleaning agent mixture. Leave it for 15 to 30 minutes. Later, the yellow stain on the white shirt collar will fade by itself.

"Just soak it in the stained area," emphasized the owner of the Girly Things YouTube account, quoted by BrilioFood on Friday (19/4).

If so, just rinse the clothes with clean water. Then, wring and dry the clothes until dry. The owner of the YouTube account Girly Things explained that white clothes should not be dried in direct sunlight so that the color does not become dull.

Mother's tricks to get rid of yellow stains on white shirt collars  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Girly Things

Wow, how easy is this trick to get rid of yellow stains on your shirt collar? Taking a peek at Girly Things' YouTube upload which has received 129 thousand viewers, quite a few netizens have left enthusiastic comments about this trick, you know.

"Sis, can you wear a knitted cardigan?" asked YouTube @Anlstrr_ and got a response from the video owner, "I've never tried it on knitted materials, but I think if knitted materials are not suitable for using hot water, I'm afraid it will stretch, maybe just use Bayclean and sunlight in normal temperature water."

"You can use a hoodie made from a towel too??" wrote YouTube @mbontotstrong3575, then replied, "You can, bro, I've tried."

"How long do you soak it first," said YouTube @syamsirmunaf3386 and got the answer, "15 minutes, bro, just adjust it, then check to see if the stain has started to disappear or not. If not, 30 minutes. The important thing is that the water is hot, bro, so that it lasts. Sometimes "I stayed there for hours, but I was afraid that the clothes would turn yellow if it took too long, so my sister just checked and saw that the stains had started to disappear, that's it, while also checking the stains, that's the important thing."

How to get rid of the musty smell of clothes using kitchen ingredients.

There are several kitchen ingredients that can help get rid of the musty smell on clothes. Here are some of them.

1. White vinegar or apple cider vinegar.

Vinegar is an effective natural odor remover. Mix vinegar with water in a 1:1 ratio, then soak musty-smelling clothes in the solution for several hours before washing as usual. You can also add vinegar to the final rinse cycle when washing.

2. Lemons.

Lemon juice or lemon slices can help get rid of the musty smell on clothes. Mix lemon juice into the water when soaking clothes before washing or add lemon slices to the final rinse cycle when washing.

3. Baking soda.

Baking soda is a good odor absorber. Sprinkle a little baking soda directly onto musty-smelling clothes before washing them. You can also add baking soda to detergent when washing.

4. Salt.

Dissolve salt in warm water and soak clothes in the solution for several hours before washing. Salt can help remove odors and also whiten fabrics.

5. Ground coffee.

Ground coffee has the ability to absorb strong odors. Place used coffee bags or a small amount of ground coffee in a bag or cupboard where you store musty-smelling clothes.

Be sure to wash clothes with regular detergent after using these items to remove odors, and always check the care instructions on the clothing label before using these items.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.