YouTube/Laundry ria

Not a few people choose to use white bed sheets to make the room seem spacious and bright.

  9 Februari 2024 11:00 - Bed sheets are used to cover mattresses so they don't get dirty or exposed to dust easily. Not a few people choose to use white bed sheets to make the room seem spacious and bright. However, white bed sheets also get dirty more quickly and stain yellow, you know.

These stains can be caused by dust, food or drink spills, or sweat while you sleep.

If you don't clean it immediately, the yellow stains on the bed sheets will become more stubborn and difficult to remove. To remove these stains, some people choose to use detergent and dish soap.

However, apart from using dish soap, it turns out there are other ingredients that can be used to remove yellow stains from white bed sheets . This method was shared by YouTube user Laundry ria.

In one of his uploads, he showed the condition of white bed sheets which were covered in yellow stains.

trick to remove yellow stains from white bed sheets using additional 1 kitchen ingredient  various sources

photo: YouTube/Laundry ria

However, he not only cleaned it with detergent, but also used a kitchen ingredient, namely vinegar. Apart from vinegar, he also uses bleach and clothes freshener to clean the bed sheets.

"There are lots of yellowish stains, like there are marker marks," he wrote, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube Laundry ria on Friday (9/2).

trick to remove yellow stains from white bed sheets using additional 1 kitchen ingredient  various sources

photo: YouTube/Laundry ria

First of all, the YouTube user prepared a large bucket filled with water. Then he added powdered detergent. He didn't immediately soak the bed sheets in the bucket, but first brushed the yellow stains with bleach. When brushing bed sheets with bleach, this YouTube user said that don't leave the bed sheets exposed to bleach for too long because it can make the fabric rot.

"Pour in the bleach, then apply it to the bed sheet and brush with an unused toothbrush. If you wash it with bleach, don't leave it for too long because it can make the fabric rot," he continued.

trick to remove yellow stains from white bed sheets using additional 1 kitchen ingredient  various sources

photo: YouTube/Laundry ria

After brushing for a while, you could see the yellow stains on the white bedsheets starting to fade. Next, he added 2 capfuls of bleach and hot water to soak the bed sheets. Stir the mixture of the three ingredients well and then put the bed sheet into the bucket.

trick to remove yellow stains from white bed sheets using additional 1 kitchen ingredient  various sources

photo: YouTube/Laundry ria

Soak white bed sheets for 30 minutes. That way, the water will start to change color and become cloudy. He also showed that the yellow stains on the white bed sheets had faded and disappeared. Continue by rubbing the white bed sheet until it is clean.

trick to remove yellow stains from white bed sheets using additional 1 kitchen ingredient  various sources

photo: YouTube/Laundry ria

The next step is to rinse the bed linen with water until it is completely clean. Then soak the bed sheets with 5 capfuls of vinegar. Well, vinegar is believed to help remove detergent foam from fabric fibers, thereby making the color of the sheets brighter. Apart from that, vinegar can also remove unpleasant odors from bed linen.

trick to remove yellow stains from white bed sheets using additional 1 kitchen ingredient  various sources

photo: YouTube/Laundry ria

Finally, soak the white sheets again using clothes freshener for 5 minutes. Next, the YouTube user dried the bed sheets with the help of a washing machine and then dried them in the sun until dry.

trick to remove yellow stains from white bed sheets using additional 1 kitchen ingredient  various sources

photo: YouTube/Laundry ria

As a result, the bed sheets which were initially covered in yellow stains, are now clean white like new again. What's even more interesting is that these white sheets smell better, you know.
