
After enjoying a delicious meal, a pile of dirty dishes in the sink is a sight that cannot be ignored.

  25 September 2024 18:00 - Washing dishes has become one of the daily activities to maintain the cleanliness of a number of kitchen utensils and cooking utensils . After enjoying a delicious meal, a pile of dirty dishes in the sink is a sight that cannot be ignored. Therefore, dirty dishes must be washed immediately before they really pile up.

Although simple, washing dishes requires patience and precision so that all the cutlery can be cleaned again from food residue and germs. For some people, this can be an annoying moment, especially after cooking a big meal or a family party. Piles of fatty food residue are also a separate homework that tends to be difficult to clean.

The process of washing dishes like that can be even worse if the space is limited, for example washing dishes on the back porch of the house and not in the sink. In some cases, limited water makes some people need to install a hose to drain the water when they want to wash dishes. In addition, the hose used must also be held continuously when they want to rinse dirty dishes. This troublesome moment is still often experienced by many people.

Well, Instagram account user @_88rahma through one of the videos uploaded, he showed himself about to wash the dishes. But instead of using a sink or faucet, he used a hose.

"I want to wash dishes using a sink, but I don't have one yet," wrote Rahma as reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @_88rahma on Tuesday (24/9).

This woman's way of washing dishes  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@_88rahma

But uniquely, the hose was not left lying around. The woman named Rahma pinned the hose above her head so that the flowing water could be used directly to rinse the dirty dishes that had been washed. So that it would not come off easily, the hose was pinned between the veils she was wearing.

This woman's way of washing dishes  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@_88rahma

Skillfully, she scrubbed the dirty dishes using a sponge and dish soap. Then she immediately rinsed them with water flowing from a hose above her head. Well, the clean plates were then placed in the red bucket that had been provided.

The process of washing dishes is done continuously until the dirt is gone. Compared to having to go back and forth to get the hose to rinse, this method tends to be more effective and efficient. The duration of washing dishes is also faster, so you don't have to worry about getting sore even though you wash dishes while sitting or even squatting.

This woman's way of washing dishes  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@_88rahma
