foto: Facebook/Fitri Rahmawati - The bottom of the pan that turns black over time is a common problem that many people often face in the kitchen. These black stains are usually thick crusts that stick tightly and are very difficult to clean. Over time, the crust can build up, making the pan look dull and unkempt.
The main cause of black crust on the bottom of the pan is food residue and oil that burns during the cooking process. When the pan is heated, especially at high temperatures, these residues carbonize and form a hard black layer. Using the pan on a gas or electric stove for a long time without proper cleaning also accelerates the buildup of crust.
To overcome thick crust on the bottom of the pan, you only need to prepare three kitchen ingredients. Reported by BrilioFood from Facebook Fitri Rahmawati on Wednesday (12/18), the kitchen ingredients in question are salt, baking soda, and vinegar. But besides that, you also need to prepare dish soap so that the three kitchen ingredients are easier to apply.
Tricks to get rid of thick black crust on the bottom of the pan
Facebook/Fitri Rahmawati
Now, how to use it, prepare a bowl first. Then add salt, baking soda, vinegar, and dish soap to taste. The measurements can be adjusted according to the thickness of the crust on the bottom of the pan. Then without adding any more water, immediately stir all the ingredients until they are completely mixed evenly.
Tricks to get rid of thick black crust on the bottom of the pan
Facebook/Fitri Rahmawati
Next, pour this cleaning agent onto the bottom or bottom of the pan that is burnt and crusty. For maximum results, it is best to let it sit for a few minutes. Then scrub it using a wire brush. If the crust is still stubborn, you can use more cleaning fluid and let it sit longer so that the crust softens. Then scrub it again with a brush.
Tricks to get rid of thick black crust on the bottom of the pan
Facebook/Fitri Rahmawati
Once scrubbed, rinse the pan immediately using running water. That way, the appearance of the pan that was originally black will look shinier than before. This indicates that the mixture of dish soap, baking soda, vinegar, and salt can effectively remove stubborn stains, including thick crust on the bottom of the pan.
Having been watched more than 951 thousand times, this video about the trick to eradicate thick crust on the bottom of the pan immediately attracted attention. Many other Facebook users then gave direct responses through the comments column. Most of these netizens even admitted to being grateful for getting new, useful knowledge.
"I don't use vinegar, I just use toothpaste and lemon, all the dirt comes off," said Desfia Rianti on Facebook.
"Coca Cola toothpaste and vinegar, just rub it gently without using any force. So it's clean," said Facebook's ApriLtria Afkarizqi.
"Waaahhh this is perfect... Thanks for the tips, Mom," wrote the Facebook account Hanania Durian.
"You can try these tips," commented the Facebook account TIPS Triana Bestih.
"Wow, this is cool, Mom. You should try it," said Facebook's Dhita Evi Martinasari.