foto: TikTok/@mnd556

I'm in a hurry to get an ulcer~

  9 Agustus 2024 02:00 - When going to the office, campus, school or other places, many people choose to bring their own food from home. Bringing provisions really helps save money, because you no longer need to shop for food outside.

On the other hand, provisions brought from home are also guaranteed to be healthy and clean, unlike food bought outside. TikTok account user @mnd556 also adopts the habit of bringing lunch from home for lunch at the office.

Instead of being given rice, this netizen was given rice  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@mnd556

After investigating, the provisions he brought were usually prepared by his mother. However, recently he experienced a ridiculous moment regarding the provisions he brought. So, the mother packed the provisions in a two-tiered lunchbox.

So, on the first level, dumplings and nuggets are available which can be used as side dishes. Apart from the side dishes, there are also complementary sauces which are neatly wrapped in plastic.

Instead of being given rice, this netizen was given rice  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@mnd556

However, TikTok account user @mnd556 was suddenly shocked when he opened the second level lunchbox section. Because the contents are not rice, but rice. Yes, that's right, rice that is still whole has not been cooked at all. The owner of the TikTok account @mnd556 wrote his complaint in the video caption.

" When you're hungry but your mother brings you rice, " he said, quoted by BrilioFood from TikTok @mnd556 on Friday (9/8).

The upload also attracted the attention of netizens who also felt annoyed. How could it not be, your stomach is already growling at the thought of eating rice with side dishes, but in reality it doesn't match your expectations.

Instead of being given rice, this netizen was given rice  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@mnd556

Apart from that, there are also netizens who recognize the type of rice in the lunchbox. It is said that the food ingredient is not ordinary rice, but porang rice. After investigating, porang rice can be cooked without using a rice cooker, but simply boil it or soak it in boiling water, because this rice doesn't take long to cook.

Instead of being given rice, this netizen was given rice  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@mnd556

Most porang rice sold on the market usually takes 5 minutes if boiled and 10-20 minutes if soaked in boiling water. But the owner of the TikTok account @mnd556 admitted that it still felt like a long time because his stomach was already hungry.
