foto: TikTok/@puspaarrm_

When baking terang bulan, there are certain tricks to pay attention to~

  13 Agustus 2024 17:00 - Terang bulan is often also called sweet martabak. This snack is often used as a mainstay menu by lovers of sweet foods, because terang bulan can be filled with chocolate, various jams, condensed milk, and so on.

In the market, there are already many terang bulan traders who serve this one food. However, there are also a number of people who choose to make it themselves at home to save money and be satisfied. The reason is, the capital for making terang bulan itself is relatively cheaper, so it can be made directly in large portions to be eaten with family at home.

This was also done by TikTok account user @puspaarrm_, recently he shared his experience when making a moon lamp through a video. Initially, he was so sure that his moon lamp was successful, but unfortunately the appearance of the moon lamp after it was almost finished actually made him wince.

This woman's homemade moonlight will make you cringe  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@puspaarrm_

Initially, the terang bulan dough that he was cooking appeared to show a round shape or commonly called a nest. For those of you who often watch terang bulan traders cooking, you must be familiar with the appearance of this terang bulan nest .

"Terbul (bright moon) ala ala is really happy nesting, guys," said the owner of the TikTok account @puspaarrm_, quoted by BrilioFood on Monday (12/8).

This woman's homemade moonlight will make you cringe  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@puspaarrm_

The netizen familiarly called Puspa also continued to wait for her terang bulan to mature. Over time, the shape of the nest on her terang bulan appeared more and more. The edges of her terang bulan also looked increasingly mature.

This woman's homemade moonlight will make you cringe  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@puspaarrm_

However, unexpectedly, when Puspa tried to lift the bright edge of the moon to see the bottom, it turned out that the condition was already burnt black. This certainly made Puspa speechless.

Looking at the comments column on @puspaarrm_'s TikTok video, quite a few netizens made funny comments about this burnt terang bulan dish.

" The bright moon is not a lunar eclipse ," said TikTok @nine_.

" bright moon dark moon, " said TikTok @nbila.

" New variant of the black forest moon cake, " added TikTok @bool_ayam.

On the other hand, many netizens are curious about the cause of the burning of the terang bulan. Some predict that the terang bulan was cooked with too much heat, baked with the wrong teflon, and so on.

" The problem is clear, 1. the fire is too big 2. it's not closed, " wrote TikTok @prazaAJA.

" Does the Teplon look different? When it's bright in the moonlight, the Teplon is not the thick one, wow, " said TikTok @xyz.

" Oh, if the fire is really small and it's still burning, before putting it on the stove, give it a metal coaster so that the Teflon doesn't directly touch the stove flame, so it can burn perfectly, " explained TikTok @.
